I am fond of Benjamin Franklin and always in awe of his intellect and ability to accomplish seemingly impossible goals. I rank his creation of Impeachment as one of the most civilized advancements of Governance in the history of Man. In these days of our counter-revolution, it is Franklin and Jefferson, Henry, Madison and Sam Adams I seek to emulate. I know I can never hope to stand even in their shadows, though I will try until it is time to emulate another of my heroes: John Parker.
I thank every single one of you who have supported the 527 with your donations, with your purchasing of IIIGear, and your moral support. Because of you we have grown our numbers modestly and reached a small number of people who did not know we existed. Because of you, we have been able to secure dealerships with Condor, KA-BAR, Cold Steel, US Palm, and a few other gear suppliers. When you purchase this gear through IIIGear.com you support the III, because the few dollars left over from every sale is used to help grow our community.
Right now we have nearly enough inventory and incidentals to set up a professional presence at gun shows, where we hope to meet many of our natural allies, as well as III Patriots who live in each area.
When you look at the top of this blog you see pages dedicated to ideas I hope to pursue in an effort to grow our community even more. Unfortunately, real life and lack of funds contribute to slow progress, but we do advance on every front each month, even if it is only in a small way. We'll get them all done, but to do it faster, we need more support. For more support, we need more people in our ranks.
Many of you contribute to those efforts every day. I know many of you are constantly talking to people and trying to help people waken. David at NCRenegade has begun working to blend the III with disgruntles members of the real Tea Party, an effort that will take considerable time and effort, but holds great potential. PatComs and local work by many of you doesn't get the recognition it deserves, but don't think it goes unnoticed.
As Holly and I were considering the hand-out material we need for the gun show tour, from business cards to bookmarks, to information sheets about the III, the Buy a Gun Day, a list of our community websites, et cetera, we decided it may be more beneficial to put together a small magazine to put all of our messages into one format. That's why I added the poll on the right. I'm glad to see so many of you chose the same title as did I: Sons of Liberty Magazine. I think Sons of Liberty will reach a larger group of people who won't need to ask "What is that?" as they would with a title like "III Percent Patriots", et cetera.
I've already started building our first issue (you'll remember that one of Mrs. Kerodin's small businesses is a boutique Publishing House). I intend to keep the content to the basics: Who is the III, our goals, and a few general gun columns, SHTF columns, prepping, Go Bags, et cetera.
If any of you own businesses that would like to reach the gun show audience, consider buying a page of advertising to help offset the printing costs. We'll be giving copies away at every stop on our gun show tour. I think it is a great way to help the III go "mainstream" to a degree, while pulling the gun community toward us a bit.
We've pushed the magazine ahead of other projects, such as the SHTF Book and the Poster simply because we'll get far more allies with a magazine when we hit the shows. We'll roll out the poster, the book, and other projects in an order that makes sense. But make no mistake, none of those projects are sitting still. We are moving forward with the Pioneer Project quietly, and we are working on securing a few prototype III Firearms for our manufacturing project. We'll fill you in publicly when there is news to share.
So, thank you all. Buy III Gear. Help us grow our numbers. Fly patches and stickers to build morale and cohesion.
We are the only group of people on Planet Earth who advocate for genuine Liberty.
If we fail, Liberty will die.
Any possibility of having comments open on the III Pioneer project page? Or anyone have a spot on a forum for it? The idea is so full of possibilities that it would be great to share ideas, resources, considerations, etc. that could contribute to the project.
ReplyDeleteDukk: I can't find any way to permit comments on those pages - if anyone knows how to get blogger to cooperate, I'd really appreciate the tip.
My first million in lottery winnings is yours, unless we start printing/minting our own currency.
ReplyDeleteIs the magazine going to be mailed as well as handed out at gun shows? I know a few liberals who will be getting a gift subscription if so.