Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, July 13, 2012

Fighting Femmes

We've been discussing fighting basics a bit recently, so now I direct this to the fathers and husbands, uncles and brothers in our community: Have you trained your woman and your daughters to shoot, to fight, to kill if necessary? Do the women and girls in your home know what you will do in a crisis so they can either help or stay out of the way? Do they know their E&E Protocols? Do they know what to say, and what not to say, if LEO separates all of you after a piece of action?

They are your responsibility, and you can't be everywhere at once.



  1. Okay, at the risk of exposing my ignorance, and probably, maybe asking for other women who don't know and are too afraid to ask, what are E&E Protocols?

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, wirecutter. I owe you a lot. And then some.

  3. Escape and Evade. How are you going to accomplish those two things?

    Don't feel bad about asking about something you don't know. I'm always asking these guys questions and they always give me great advice and are helpful. We're all in this together and the sooner we're all one the same page, or at least on the same chapter, the better off we'll all be.
    Miss Violet

  4. Escape and Evasion. Where to run and how to get there...


  5. Angel: When I help clients develop protocols for various scenarios one of the most important is deciding what family members will do if an intruder comes into the home.

    For instance, can the children get to a muster point with Mom without being seen from the entry foyer? Does mom go to the kids with her scattergun? Does dad grab his pistol and go to confront, or does everyone use an emergency exit? Do the kids know exactly what they are to do?

    Another scenario: SHTF while kids are at school, and the school goes into lockdown. Is there a plan in place that every family member knows and implements? For instance: Dad leaves the office and gets the kids, or mom's responsibility is to get the kids. Do the kids have cell phones in their backpacks at school for such emergencies, and are required to contact mom or dad in any lockdown situation? What if cell phones are disabled, is there a backup communication method (like Motorola wireless walkie-talkies in the backpacks)? What if the school literally locks the doors and refuses to release children to parents (This is the protocol in both Montgomery County & Fairfax County in certain situations)? Do you tell your kids to wait 30 minutes then defy their teachers and bolt out the doors to a pre-designated muster point where mom or dad will be waiting?

    I strongly counsel every family to sit and think about what might happen, and have a plan, and every member of the family knows his position and plays it properly.

    E&E (Escape and Evasion, as kindly explained by others above) is sometimes the proper response - so every family member needs to know every detail of the plan, and train for it.


    1. Thanks K, and all the rest of you guys. I live rurally with tornados and wildfires, I have my own little git kit with meds, clothes, emergency cash, etc. I can get the girls mustered and in the van in 10 minutes or less. I have plans for home invasion, fire, flood, if the van is stranded on railroad tracks, submerged after a crash, and then some. I'm a constant worrier and planner. Thank you so much for the additional tips.

  6. Thanks for always adding something new to think about! Had not considered an E & E plan. Daughters know to fight to the death if someone either breaks in or grabs them, they know that death is better than what the enemy will do to them. They are now finally shooting with me and again thanks to you, my youngest (14 yr) and myself will be starting Krav Maga class this coming week. Staying Anon for right now, but considering going public... You will get a donation from me this week.


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