Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, July 13, 2012

Consider: Drone Swarms

Consider a defense contractor setting up an assembly line to produce a million disposable drones, armed with the new mini-missile Raytheon is building, coupled with a GPS guidance system. You already know your front door has been GPS'd by the Census workers. You know these things can be programmed to fly their entire mission without human interaction.

Consider they sit in hangars across the country, pre-targeted.

Consider a decapitation strike against every patriotic blogger, commenter, NRA member, gun shop...

With a single order a thousand, or ten thousand, or a hundred thousand Right Wing Extremists could be eliminated at the same time.

Sure, some folks would not be home. Significant collateral damage will happen, though Tyrants do not worry about such things.

And what if they did not target your home's GPS coordinates, but instead they locked onto your cell...

Remember the Suarez Philosophy of Law Enforcement, which is standard in the LEO community: When I was on SWAT our view is that "We will always win....even if we have to burn down your entire house by bombing it....we will win".

Think about it.

Here's the Raytheon story.



  1. Yes...the "drones of peace"...or Obama's "peace drones"...maybe super Gabe is up for "Drone Czar"...

  2. It's scary as hell thinking about the plans they have for these things. You can bet your ass they aren't for peaceful purposes though.

  3. Mass bombing doesn't always work. As long as every option considered is a threatening two way street, they'll think harder about it.

    In the end it comes down to which side wants to win more.

  4. It's a good bet that Afganistan and Iraq are laboratories for the future in CONUS. It boggles the mind to consider the Mighty Kenyan shuffling through target precis cards of political enemies.

  5. "Decapitation strikes" have never been more feasible. At one end, a swarm of "time on target" drone strikes against "right wing extremeists." At the other end, social network and cell phone analysis can provide a calibrated decapitation, using "accidents," or "heart attacks," or "overdoses," or "street muggings gone wrong" for deniability. Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Mao and all the rest never had such effective tools at their disposal. Constidering that Obama and Holder have already crossed the mass-murder for political ends Rubicon with Operation Fast and Furious, AKA Murdergate, such eventualities must not be dismissed out of hand.

  6. This is one reason I say it's still worth effort to replace the Kenyan with the Mormon. The Mormon isn't going to launch drone swarm strikes on patriots, IMHO. Hussein? Who knows, it's within the realm of possibility I suppose.

    POTUS is an awesome lever. Better to have a fool than a tool holding it.

  7. But since we don't want Syria to target their civilians, surely our own government would never do such a thing.


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