UPDATE: Scratch what I wrote below about upping the minimum buy-in. It'll stay as it has been for the full 2 weeks. I was persuaded/ By the way, all of you Founding Members, whatever you have contributed (We still need about $7K) will be receiving somthing you'll appreciate from III Arms Company once we get up and running properly...but only Founding Members.
You'll notice I changed a few things at IIIGear.com - prices, layout, et cetera. I'll adjust more prices soon, and I'll open Maxpedition and US Palm pages when I buy into those lines.
As you've probably deduced the 527 and III Arms are two completely different legal entities, never the twain shall meet. While they both have Liberty as a goal, there are rules and methods unique to each.
**IMPORTANT NOTE FOR III ARMS*** First, someone asked why not "Founding Members" versus "Original Members"? No problem, works for me.
Second: I really need to close the gap and get the last $8500 or so to hit our goal for the III Arms initial phase of operations. Many of you opted for the $250 minimum with more in the future option, and I get it and I am glad to have you as part of this project.
If you intend to contribute $250 to earn Founding Status please send me an email ASAP and let me know how much and when you intend to contribute.
Here's why: I have to close the gap, get this done, and start building our prototypes. I need those of you who can write bigger checks and who intend to contribute and become Founding Members to step up and get it done. So let me know through the weekend if you intend to go the $250 route or bigger - because Monday I am raising the bar to $1,000 to join as an Founding Member.
Kerodin@Kerodin.com - write me, tell me when and how much, and you are locked in.
Monday I am reaching out to a much broader audience, bigger minimums, and I will close the books (no longer accept) Founding members once I hit our goal.
If it is important to you. let's get it done, Patriots.
I think I can afford $250 the first of Sept. depending on the economy. If it stays stable and I will have picked up my last bits of prepping hardware in Aug. I can dedicate 1 10 oz. silver bar or $250.00 FRNs on the 20th of Sept. barring a stock market collapse. Sorry K us folks living on less than $20,000 a year get smashed first in a bad economy. Especially if your get just enough per year not to get all the goodies of being poor like EBT, or energy payments. You are still "poor" just not poor enough! LOL