Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Changing the World

Gene Roddenberry changed our world. How many boys used James T. Kirk as an influence in their youth? Flip phones. Video phones. I give the credit to Roddenberry.

JK Rowling has helped spur the imagination of tens of millions.

John M. Browning. I need not list a single of his world-changing contributions to you.

Most moral people do not seek to change the world, however. They may hope to create something that has a positive impact on the world, as a byproduct, with the primary goal of making money. I have no problem with anyone pursuing true Capitalism.

I have found it is almost universally Evil people who want to change the world politically. Those who have had the most success include names we all know: Stalin. Marx. Mao. Pol Pot. FDR. Lincoln. This is a long list.

The list of names who have sought to bring Liberty to life in the world is much shorter. Most of us today are too humble to seek to change the world. Changing America would be enough for most of us. But in pursuit of our personal Liberty we can bring a broader Liberty to life, if we are lucky, determined, and serious.

I think there is no shame in stating this goal: I want to change America. I want to be part of a group of Americans who kill tyranny and unleash genuine Liberty.

Stating that goal will not be enough. But owning the intent is essential. By owning it, you are making it known that you understand people will oppose you, and that opposition must fall.

It will not be enough to secure Liberty for only yourself, though that is the starting point. We must work together to ensure a state of genuine Liberty is handed to our sons, daughters, nieces and nephews.

It is their responsibility to protect it and pass it on.

It is our responsibility to give them the chance...and time is growing short.

I do want to change America. I want genuine Liberty in my lifetime.

Think about it.


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