Kenny who runs Knuckledraggin' has decided to shut down shop for a while, folks.
He and Lisa and CharlieGodamit are ok, but he is busy in other aspects of life and as most of us have faced at one time or another, blogging has to take a back seat to family and life. He may return in time, and I will keep in touch with him.
It may be more than he wants public, but I will ask everyone to keep his father in their thoughts.
I will miss Kenny's humor, insights and company until he returns.
Kenny, all you need to do is ask, and I'll be there to help in any way I can. For you, I'll let TSA grab a handful of Kerodin junk. ;)
Yours in Liberty.
Sorry to hear that. About the blog and his father.
ReplyDeleteKenny made me laugh even if he was a class A horndog. ;)
Miss Violet
You'll be missed, Kenny. Hurry back
Kenny brought me into the Patriot fold. He's one of the smartest, strongest True men I've ever met and a True Patriot. Best thoughts and a hug.
ReplyDeleteI saw that today, when I went to his blog. I hope everything turns out okay for him and his family.
ReplyDeleteThanks to all you guys (and especially you, Wiserangel) for your kind words. Life happens, you know? But now I can knock out Pops' honey-do list, kill some coyotes and figure out new ways to screw with PETA..... normal things, you know?
ReplyDeleteSam, I would ask that violation of no Man, but the offer is appreciated. I think.
Hope to see you back soon, but sometimes life gets in the way of shit. Dang, all my old favorite blogs are dropping off. Maybe you can stop by here for a Monday post now and again!
DeleteGod speed to you! You will be missed!
Bye for now Kenny, Your a funny guy I hope things work out.
ReplyDeleteHang in there, Ken!
ReplyDeletei'm from germany and the highlight of the morning every day was allways the visit of your site.
i will miss this blog really. couldn't you run the blog only to check older posts? just for....memory.
besides.....i wish you and your beloved ones all the best.
Roland from Bavaria, Germany
I know how you feel, I was trying to read the older posts too. So much Ken-sanity, so little time.
DeleteI won't say the internets will collapse without Milfy Monday, but...well...actually I'll probably get a lot more done.
ReplyDeleteTake care, wirecutter.
i'm in the U.K. and i will miss his take on life, politics,and true american pride.Hurry back.Best wishes
ReplyDeleteI will miss the wit, humor, milfy (insert day of week here) and above all your patriotism. I know I dont know you personally, but please know you and your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Best of luck wirecutter. Hope things turn out good for you. And oh yeah, Fuck Obama.
International Love Kenny Day. Sweet. ;-)
ReplyDeleteKenny just asked me to leave a comment from him thanking everyone for their support and comments. I tried to think of a pithy way to do so in a wirecutter way, but lacking that darned Y chromosome, I just kept sounding girly. So, thanks ya'll!
ReplyDeleteOh wow, bummer.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that sux. My dog Mona is gonna cry without her occasional CGD fix. But you do what you need to do, Kenny. Our prayers are with you and your family.
ReplyDeleteI never net the man, but I never missed a day of his blog. It was comforting to know that there are others who feel as I do. Kenny's blog was my first link to all the rest of you. For that I will be ever grateful. My prayers to with him and his family.
ReplyDeleteKenny, as a Canadian, I have to say your blog was very refreshing. Love your humor, no bullshit attitude, and your gorgeous pup CharlieGodamit. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. You will be missed. Be safe :-)
ReplyDeleteDamn Kenny hope everything works out for you, you will be missed.
ReplyDeleteDamn, y'all are making me feel guilty.
ReplyDeleteYou are loved. ;)
DeleteTake your time, do your thing, and come back whenever you are ready.
Don't feel guilty, Kenny.
Delete*Most* of us have lives outside of blogger, and you're no different.
Guilt is good if it brings Charlie's dad back... Seriously, bud, TCB and hurry back. We'll burn one for ya...
ReplyDeleteAs they say, or maybe used to say in my day, which was a long time ago. Stay cool, fool.
ReplyDeleteI hope to meet you in person some day, I'll bring the beer.
Okay guys, peer pressure works. Wirecutter put Knuckledraggin back up for archives and links. He's still taking time off, which is as it should be. Now we just have to worry about the ego boost he got from all the adulation.
ReplyDeleteI keep telling you Wiserangel, I'm the most humble MFer I know.
DeleteIt's all in the wording. "...the most humble MFer I KNOW." But I think you're worthy of the kudos, so I'll let it go.
DeleteFamily comes first - but we will wait for your return
All the best from Bavaria, Germany to you and your beloved ones. Thank you for re-open :-)