TL asks bluntly: Where do we jump off? I suppose as long as life is tolerable we will continue along, waiting for that moment, which I hold has come and gone, easily managed by the politicians of the day.
Curtis observes: Deja vu...
One of the discussions front and center again over at CA's place is the Moral High Ground. This goes to Curtis' point - that topic has come around at least 4 times in my 2 years online. Many of the same people weigh in, many of the same arguments, one or two people change or nuance their position, and we are all 2 years older while OpFor is 2 more years along with their plan.
Bill posted today about the fact that the war is well underway. For those critics of mine that will state the contrary in regards to already being at war… strap on your heater and walk down town and wait for it. You can't defeat that logic so don't even try, at least not with me.
The beat-downs are all one-sided at the moment. The deaths are all in FreeFor or the genuine non-combatant ranks. The attackers are all in Government, and supported by overwhelming numbers of your neighbors - yes, even you folks who live in the Red states. How many politicians at any level of Government, or even running for office, would you put in the III/Constitutionalist/genuine Liberty camp?
Yes, I will vote. No, it will not matter in our efforts to restore Liberty. Voting is simply my way of paying respect to those who have fought, killed, suffered and died to provide me the opportunity. If I give up the franchise, they have all sacrificed in vain.
So, when do we step off? When do you step off? Who is and who is not on your Enemies List? Who is and who is not on your Shoot/No Shoot list? These questions are many, and everyone needs to answer them in their own hearts.
The Enemies of Liberty offend more and more people every day. They bump uglies at every airport in the nation. They drop Grandpa's ashes on the floor, they kill dogs and people with impunity. Of the money you make every year, they get more of it than do you (look at hidden taxes). But will they ever annoy enough people at the same time, sufficiently, that our goal of genuine Liberty will be supported by the majority?
Hell no.
I know I am already on many OpFor lists. I know I will probably die with help before the end of my natural life. I know where I stand on every important issue facing this counter-revolution. I know I am most useful to the pursuit of Liberty by standing in public, running my mouth, working to build our numbers, build morale and cohesion, challenge what needs to be challenged, even amongst our own, and every single day taking some positive, tangible action beyond the words I speak or write.
Do your best to work out your place in this aspect of life, and then do something about it.
Don't be one of those guys caught in the loop and never taking any real-world steps to advancing a solution.
Remember why we know John Parker's name...because he did more than count angels on the head of a pin and worry about what might happen to him.
TL here.
Curtis here.
Bill here.
CA here.
Soon to be-step off the porch or get blown over the rail....
ReplyDeleteHell, how many chances do you get to be part of history?
Mr. K,
ReplyDeleteAaaahhh....Thursday. In about 36 hours the United States House of Representatives will hold a Contempt of Congress vote against the villianous, murderous, freedom-destroying, lying, Constitution destroying, oath-breaking scumbag, Attorney General appointment by the illegal and usurping barack-soetoro-barry-obama, Eric "I Don'ts Know Nuttin' About Yous Fast & Furious Bull Sheet" Holder.
Two Questions and one assertion:
1. Will the Republican-controlled House vote to hold the enemy of Liberty, oath-breaking, criminal in contempt of Congress ?
2. Upon a vote to hold Holder in contempt will pretty boy Speaker of the House, "Nancy has a Bigger Set of Balls" John Boehner, order the Sergeant-at-Arms to proceed forthwith and immediately ARREST ERIC HOLDER ?
3. IF 1 and 2 do happen I believe it best to travel armed and prepared to defend oneself, especially in soetoro-obama territories. ESPECIALLY if Boehner arrests HOLDER. ESPECIALLY IF BOEHNER ARRESTS HOLDER !
Aaaahhh, Thursday. This could be it folks. And it will start at the hands of a murderous, illegal, usurping thug protecting a member of his "family" of despicable, marxists.
I just visited Mr. Davis' blog and read the comments to his "Thursday" essay. I've been trying to hold back from vomiting....but I've got to puke ! There are morons who profess to be Patriots....members of the Liberty Movement who are simply indifferent. Sad.
ReplyDeleteRead the questions of ignorance in the comments section at TL IN EXILE. Bring a barf bag. Now excuse me while I wretch.