Rich T has brought Gabe Suarez back into my orbit by posting a link to a conversation recently held at Gabe's site. Then Gabe weighed-in with his own two cents.
First: If you put a dime in Gabe's pocket by taking his courses, leave here and do not come back. If you have already done it and are just now learning of his Useful Idiot status in the FSA for the Establishment, I'll forgive you, go forth and sin no more.
Second: Do you have the skills to overcome, counter and kill guys like the ones Gabe trains? They will be fighting against you. They do have skills. They will rarely come alone, and they will never willingly get buckle-to-buckle.
Third: If you do not have such skills, do your best to acquire them, and get a brush bar for your Chevy that hoses off easily. (Check with John Mosby or the guys at Mason Dixon, for starters, and Krav Maga for CQB)
Suarez makes his money by being aligned with LEO and LEO wannabes.
Gabe: The usual 1776 Types with their F*** The Police attitudes (no different than a group of Black Panthers) come out of the woodwork waving their rifles in one hand and the Constitution in the other...
Constitution in the other. Gabe doesn't care about Right and Wrong. He says so, right here: Notice that I have not even gotten into the "right or wrong" discussion. Why not? Because it is not relevant.
Mind you, Suarez will simply dismiss me as a natural enemy of civilizaton because I have been branded so by his Masters. No matter. I have been called worse names by better men.
Will I ever cross paths with Gabe Suarez? Not likely. If he and I are ever in the same hot zone at the same time, we'll surely be on opposite sides of the line. He'll be empowered by his buddies in their riot gear and their modern Letters of Marque issued by The Establishment, and they will attempt to be rid of the enemies of the Establishment, F* the Constitution.
Fuck you, Gabe. And fuck every Enemy of Liberty you crank out of your school who goes back to the line and steps on the necks of those who dare smoke a joint or own a prohibited weapon or who happen to piss off the wrong corporation or politician, those who choose to live the Liberty outlined in the Constitution you dismiss.
You help to define why this country is devolving. You stand guard for the Enemies of Liberty and carry their water. You are simply a well-paid and well-armed Useful Idiot in the FSA.
If you don't like what I have to say, fuck you twice.
Here's the link to Rich's piece.
Like I said, "ask no quarter, give no quarter."
ReplyDeleteMakes me smile.
Miss Violet
You said it better than I did. :)
ReplyDeleteI stop in to read his blog from time to time. I happened by there yesterday and read this article that you referenced. I decided that what useful information I sometimes got from his writing was overshadowed by his comments in this piece. I deleted WT from my conscience. Good call Kerodin. His arrogance has always made me wonder what his character was like.
Mr. K,
ReplyDeleteMost every time I read your blog you provide more reasons for my appreciation of you.
RE: Suarez training. I believe training opportunities/classes are good. It kust seems to me there are few training opportunities here in the NW part of USA. John Mosby would be appreciated by me but he is located west of the Ohio territory. Time and travel precludes participation in his classes.
Thanks, Dan. And thank you for the email about the AAC. That is great information and I'll do more research.
Mr K,
DeleteMy message above I meant to write NE USA. Not NW as I accidentally typed.
You are welcome re: email to you.
Nice to see you bringing some hate again.
Thanks for getting my blood pressure up, Sam.
And I was getting to feel pretty good recently...
This Suarez pig acts like the only time SWATTING has occurred has been against drug-dealing ghetto apes.
"...1776 Types with their F*** The Police attitudes (no different than a group of Black Panthers) come out of the woodwork waving their rifles in one hand and the Constitution in the other..."
No different than the Black Panthers? Please.
Fuck him.
"Anyone from a war hero to a Pastor of a church can be involved in criminal actions that get them noticed by the right people....or the wrong people."
Maybe that's part of the problem...too many fucking laws.
This story is making me go to my dark place again...
Zoomie, sorry to admit it but I think some of your best work is done from that dark place. ;)
Sam,you gotta quit beating around the bush and learn to say whats really on your mind Lol.Right or wrong I like a man who is straight up.I don't like reading between the lines.I am a simple man tell me whats what and I will decide if I agree or not! Don't really know Suarez ,thanks for input!
Funny this jackass should mention getting "noticed". He and his wife were arrested and charged with some sort of fraud a few years back. I didn't pay enough attention to notice whether he did time for it or not, but he may actually be a felon himself. [He pled to misdemeanors in order to slip the multiple felony charges he was facing. Apparently, he was sentenced to one year, so he is probably not a felon.]
Sounds like he is a Ayoob clone - there never was a cop he didn't like. Ayoob _always_ comes down on the side of the cops, not matter what they have done. Like Suarez, they are his bread-and-butter, so I guess he never will be honest about them. A couple of arrogant, egotistical pricks.
I have no doubt that part of Suarez's penance is to be a snitch for Uncle...he's certainly in the right position to be quite effective in that role for .gov.
What is wrong with these people that they just kick in the door when their master says so? And don't stop to question if they are doing right or wrong? Even the Black Panthers probably give it a consideration or two.
ReplyDeleteI enriched Suarez quite a bit in recent years. I took some seriously good classes from his outfit, and one or two that weren’t worth the money. Had I been paying closer attention to the background conversation among his sycophantic followers early on, I wouldn’t have spent a cent over there. Alas, it’s better to become aware late rather than never. Recently one of my friends shared some of Gabe’s comments regarding making money – and it was crystal clear that his allegiance is strictly to his wallet. But this latest revelation is pretty repugnant. I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked; Once a cop – always a cop.
ReplyDeletezactly....he's a businessman....not a friend to anyone but who will allow him to grow his business and continue to make money.
DeleteWhat do the people on this blog expect???
I've been getting (paying for it) some good tactical training from LEO. My reasoning...know your enemy.
ReplyDeleteI understand your use of the term, but the problem is that he is by no means an idiot. He's gonna be sipping a beer and laughing in front of his TV watching his students trade rounds with one of us.
ReplyDeleteI just realized I subscribe to Suarez's shit site. I get emails from them all the time.
Not any more.
I sent them this email as my way of un-subscribing:
"I don't know how I got on you mailing list, but I demand to be taken off of it immediately.
I will never do business with you, nor will I read your disgusting storm trooper, anti-Constitution website ever again.
Mr. Suarez and his ilk in "law enforcement" are not peace officers, and are exactly what is wrong with this nation.
You make me want to vomit.
Go to hell.
I signed my full name and city and state at the end.
Funny I was on his forum a few years back, and I backed him up in defending an old guy who got busted for selling some old guns at a flea market-he BANS me... says some macho bullshit about him being the real deal and such. Lots of chest pounding. For backing him up in defending that old guy.
DeleteThat's okay. All of his videos I've ever bought are BOOTLEGS! He don't see a single cent.
Zoomie: ...and that's how you do that!
Damn Zoomie! Howya really feel?
ReplyDeleteThat is one of Gabe's more obnoxious pieces and makes my blood boil also.
ReplyDeleteI never attended classes with any of his groups but I have read a bit of his writings and watched a couple of his videos. He has some valid points about the concepts of 'force on force' training and 'Getting off the "X"'. Square ranges are not the end-all and be-all of training. They are good to learn the drills and "finger skills" but one needs more to be effective under assault in a Hurricane Katrina event or SHTF.
Whether exercises with Airsoft guns are equal to or superior to Simunition is a discussion for another time. Just get the damn training!
The flames and ugliness posted here are unbecoming of this blog and the writers; one only sinks to his level with those remarks and I, for one, remain unimpressed by the juvenile ad hominem attacks. Suarez probably would revel in the notoriety and overreaction.
Talk instead of how to slow down the JBTs so that you have enough time to neutralize their assault. You know, hardened doors, nets on the windows to stop the flash-bangs, heavy weapons, etc. You will probably lose anyway, but if you take down enough AND they had the wrong house/invalid search warrant, AND it happens enough, we could do some good. Unlikely, but when the JBTs are on your porch, you have few choices.
Anon: "...unvecoming of this blog..."
DeleteYou have a higher standard and regard for this blog than do I. ;)
Anon @ 1748,
DeleteLet me state this....I'm tired of the cowardly methods that Kumbaya types, like you (whoever you are), expressed here. I'm fed up with decorum and bowing down to kiss the ring of the ruling elite.
Say what you mean and mean what you say....Suarez is a traitorous bastard who thumbs his nose at the very document, the US Constitution, that gave his Cuban-born parents, their, his and our freedom.
To hell with decorum ! To hell with raising one's hand and asking permission and hell with mentality such as yours Anon@1748. You're no better than the scoundrel Suarez.
Years ago Real Police Officers used to Come and Drag my dad out when he threw Mom and I a beating , they knew she would take him back so they usually beat the Hell out of him and locked him up.
ReplyDeleteLegally speaking. This is what you get when you lower the standards pretend to want educated (BRAINWASHED TROLLS).
I love and miss those MEN.
Plus they were so Damn Tall they had to duck to get in the doors in NY City.
GABE is just another male, never to be a real MAN!
Yep...I had a buddy used to get hammered, they'd bust him up...end of story...till next weekend! Fuckers nowadays are pussies. Period,
ReplyDeleteI take Gabe Suarez's pistol and rifle classes because they are good....his regional instructors are good, the gear he sells on his site is good, the weapons his company customizes and sells are good, and the people I have met in his courses and the character of his instructors (at least in Texas and Florida) IMHO is good.
ReplyDeleteAs far as his political philosophy, whom he sides with if things go to shit, his opinions of the countercurrents active in our mainstream culture etc.....as soon as he preaches this I just remind myself that I am there for the training and NOT to become a desciple of his.
After all folks, the man is just trying to run a business...not to join a revolution. And if you might THINK you'll have to fight assault-trained cops one day....doesn't it make sense to train like an assault cop?
Skeptic: You remember that philosophy when a Team of Suarez-trained Tactical Ninja come into your home with a warrant, kill your dogs, wife and kids.
DeleteYou can get everything offered by Suarez by men of Liberty, if you look for it. Start with John Mosby and go from there.
If it was a business decision, it probably wasn't a very good one. A good business decision would have been to say nothing at all...
DeleteAlthough some of his training is solid, Suarez himself is at best, a mediocre trainer.
ReplyDeleteIt's readily apparent to more seasoned trainers' that he is a good student, but doesn't fully comprehend what he teaches.
It's a case of "Monkey See -- Monkey Do" and he is a good monkey.
I can live with that, because he knows enough to be able to pass it on to others and does a fair job in doing so.
However, his arrogance and the fact that he capitalizes on his religion are enough that I never respected him as a man.
I never suspected him of being against the Constitution though...after all, didn't he have swear an allegiance to the U.S Constitution
Attitudes like his are the very reason I will only train civilians.
Gabe is spouting either arrogance or fear, both equally faulty.
ReplyDeleteSKS? Heh may he continue to believe such non-sense and preach it to as many of his spawn as possible.
Nuff said.
I gave this SKS mockery thing some thought today.
A guy intimately familiar with a bolt-action .22 rifle could fuck up Gabriella's day real nice.
Is Gabby saying he fears no man with an SKS?
Doesn't the SKS fire the same 7.62x39 round as the AK47?
That's been a pretty effective round against all kinds of targets for a helluva long time.
Just what is it that might put the fear of God into ol' Gabby?
.50 cal? A 155mm artillery shell?
Or is he just too much of a stud muffin to be scared of anything?
Apparently...the answer is a grand theft charge! ;)
What an insufferable prick...
Most of these comments are comical at best.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy overthrowing the military industrial complex : )
Ryan: We do not want to overthrow anything, merely defend ourselves from folks like you.
DeleteStomped any Kittens lately? And where were you when Jose Guerena was murdered?
Ryan- Are you a police officer?
DeleteYou're bunch of simpleton cowards who won't bust a grape. Ya'll have been talking shit since Wild Bill Clinton was in office and you haven't done a damn thing. Go rally at your trailer park headquarters. Patriot's my ass.
ReplyDeleteAnon: Do you wear a balaclava to work?
DeleteYou do, don't you! Or if you missed the cut at real LEO departments, I bet you take that balaclava to your night shift gig at the old-folks home, don't you!
At least have the balls to make up a fake name.
That sounds like Anon from my site.
DeleteHaha! Guess we got a couple who "wannabe like Gabe"...
ReplyDeleteGeez, did I have Suarez all wrong. Thanks for bringing this out. I went to his original post and read one particular comment that really got my attention, and I quote, "When I was on SWAT our view is that "We will always win....even if we have to burn down your entire house by bombing it....we will win". Period." If this isn't indicative of his and the mindset of LEO, I don't know what is. Oh, that's right, as long as the citizen marches in a straight line, doesn't color outside the lines and has nothing to hide, we'll be alright, right Gabe?
ReplyDeleteI don't hear Paul Howe, Luis Awerbuck, Jim Grover talking that kind of shit...course, I don't get around all that much...and I agree, we should keep it "in house". Mosby, LF, those guys...MINDSET, you know.
ReplyDeleteFor all the bashing of Gabe going on, he did in fact make one very valid point (hell, even a broken clock is right twice a day). It is easy to get so focussed on all the bad in the world that you fail to enjoy all the good things life still has to offer. I've been there myself recently. Just look at Bill St. Clair. All bad all the time is no way to live. Enjoy a glass of wine, a good cigar . . . and your wife. All the bad shit will still be there tomorrow.