Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday introduced the Preserving Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act, which would require the government to get a warrant before using aerial drones to surveil U.S. citizens.
My question: Why doesn't Senator Paul simply stand up and say "This is already illegal, it violates 4A, we do not need a new law"?
Because the current Political Class is not in the business of respecting the Constitution, they are in the business of making every act under the sun either legal or illegal by law, regulation or rule rather than Right.
Here's the story.
With a law to set penalties for violations of the 4th amendment it is easier to point at later as "having DONE something to support FREEDOM"
ReplyDeletePolitics as usual, nothing to see here.
Rand ain't Ron. No, he has not hyped up the countless of hopeful folks all over the country only to dump them beside the road after bleeding them dry of hard earned bucks with "moneybombs".
ReplyDeleteYet, there will still be Ron Paul supporters types believing he's still part of the "freedom" strategy, kind of like those who believe marching God fearing patriots into Washington unarmed is a good idea. Even Darwin would find this level of gullibilty, amazing. But I support the freedom for others to do stupid things.
Robert: Why do you think a gathering of Patriots in Washington with empty holsters is a bad idea? Do you not understand the strength of the symbolism? Do you think we'll get mugged on the Mall? Do you think we'll get chopped down by Capitol Hill LEO and Secret Service Snipers?
DeleteReally, what is the down side to doing what our Founders did with the DoI?
And most importantly, what would you rather we did?
Hey Robert....may you fucking rot in Hades !
Mr. K,
DeleteYou are wasting effort on this member of the sheeple. Publish his comments but don't honor his cowardice with replies.
Sir K, Oh certainly the symbolism of courageous God-fearing men being gunned down will make it all over the news, but not in the way you think. More like, "Resistence is futile". I do believe our founding father's tactics were great. For two hundred years ago! My thoughts of what should be done will remain within my own mind, but I regretfully express my sadness for such a waste of life(somewhat of the cream of the crop) and say what I think in a word. Backup.
ReplyDeleteSo, you genuinely believe the folks who show will be gunned down on the steps of the Capitol - with empty holsters and holding a petition/Declaration?
Backup isn't really in my nature, but if you can convince me that there is one chance in a million that my fellow Countrymen will be gunned down as described, let me know and I'll call it off and go alone.
Robert The Irish,
DeleteI'll state what Mr. K is too gentlemanly to do. You're a flaming fool ! Your kind make me want to vomit. At what point in time does one stand up for one's beliefs ?
Bend over and grab your ankles. Don't forget to thank your .gov and ask for another.
F*ck alone. We've been alone to long, and I'm tired of hiding. If they want to fire the first shots, by all means, let them. The amount they find incoming after that day will be a lot more than they bargained for....on ANY day of the week.
ReplyDeleteI was born overlooking a swamp, probably best I die in one.
I've truly come to despise this country and the bulk of it's citizens. It is no longer the country of my birth. It has become a bastion of socialists and Marxist with our ruling elite and the sheeple supporting supporting an illegal alien in the West Wing.
ReplyDeleteAnymore today I have little affection for my fellow countrymen.
So, now that you've all had a good time with yet more name-calling, what about backup? Do you "hide" some guys who are all kitted up as close as possible yet still hidden? Does everyone have at least a small handgun tucked away, just in case?
ReplyDeleteGatherings which are known to be unarmed can get the tear-gas, rubber bullets and truncheons treatment. What "excuse" will the III Congress give to the PTB to attack? Doesn't necessarily have to be guns first: a milsurp steel helmet and a fighting knife would be an unpleasant surprise guaranteed to get inside their OODA loop.
Peter: Hide some guys in DC in full kit? Sorry, that simply ain't gonna happen anywhere near the Mall. Tucking away a small handgun would accomplish what against overwhelming numbers armed to the teeth, loaded for bear and shrouded in full riot gear?
DeleteThis is NOT some attempt to smuggle arms into the Capitol and pick a stoopit fight. This is a group of American Patriots who have chosen to give our Masters one final warning, the courtesy of handing them a piece of paper that commands them to cease & desist.
Noone is coming to provoke a Boston Massacre. And, if someone does come and try to do so, I will do everything in my power to kill that person where he stands, even if he is a Patriot. I will NOT willingly lead men and women to a pointless suicide.
And here are the truly important points: If the Enemies of Liberty want a Boston Massacre, they sure don't need to wait for us. They can hit anyone at anytime, as they have proved. Hitting a group of unarmed people on the steps of the Capitol with a piece of paper in their hand is not a PR victory, no matter how they try to spin it.
Second: Let's indulge the silly fantasy for a moment. Let's say some PFC decides to open up with a Ma Duece. You know why we are there. Every III Patriot across these blogs knows why we are there. Every single one of you will know we were murdered.
If that doesn't pull you sonsabitches off the couch, then Liberty truly is dead already, and I'll be happier in a cold, unmarked grave.
I intend to die but once. I'll do it on my feet, in the face of my Enemies, looking those fucks in the eyes.
Killing me does not mean they win. It simply means I am dead.
I am done playing games.
Yeah, Sam, I got all that. I guess I didn't make my point clearly enough: OPFOR gets a vote during the event. What plan is there if they decide to play rough? Bleed on their uniforms?
DeleteI know you have things planned out as much as you can. Do you have a plan if things go south? I don't need to know, nobody does until the day, BTW. It may well turn out that everyone there has to Ghandi it. Do you have photogs and video folks lined up? A RP with cameras there to document any injuries?
And it's not gonna be some PFC with an M2. It will be the Park police with DC backup carrying CS, batons and tasers. And the knowledge that the PTB will call their actions afterwards "justified" and "within department protocols".
And a small handgun wouldn't do much beyond the immediate moment. Several score of them would be a hell of a surprise against even riot gear.
Peter, it appears you are just one more facade in the effort by true Patriots, to regain Freedom & Liberty. Your comments are defeatist. You preach to Mr. K about potential threats from .gov thugs in D.C. You question whether participants will have a handgun "tucked away"...."just in case". Gee....lets say I'm willing to tuck away a handgun per your, and I use the word loosely, "suggestion". So I get down to the Capitol on 3 November and some good citizen informant snitches out me and other Patriots to the authorities. "Psssst....those wingnuts are packin'". What kind of support would you be prepared to provide us soon to be criminals ? Are you writing here, your supportive challenges to Mr. K's efforts, to indicate you want to provide financial support ? Are you planning a fund-raising effort to raise monies for legal fees for Mr. K and other IIIpers who likely will be arrested on 3 November ? Are you willing to work to create and initially fund an account to pay for Mr. K's impending death on 3 November ? Just what are YOU willing to do ?
DeleteSeems to me you're another keyboard know-it-all. Hmmmm....whats the word I'm looking for ? Aah....troll. Thats it....TROLL. You're one of these people who write trash, spew your alleged intellectual analysis with questions designed to ridicule the blog author, and generally make comments not to enhance an effort. Rather, you generate attacks from the coziness of your comfy chair, tapping away at your keyboard, slurping a beer and challenging Mr. K's physical and financial efforts to bring some semblance of freedom back to this once great nation. I consider your sharpshooting of Mr. K to be disgraceful. Your refusal to provide meaningful suggestions to enhance Mr. K's efforts, are indicative of your cowardly mentality.
Now, why don't you waddle on over to the 'fridge and pop the tab on another Bud, crank up your 60" plasma, and settle down for another episode of "Dancing With The Stars". Your "do nothing but criticize" mentality is not needed here.
PS: Did you notice I called you names ?
Peter, did you not read anything? If you're afraid to die for something you believe in, then stay home. NO one is asking you to show up, NO one is asking you to do ANYTHING if you don't have the courage to do so....and do so on your own.
ReplyDeleteWhile we're not looking to get ourselves killed with this event, we are looking to let TPTB, and whatever media that wants to attend, know that we're deadly serious about this. If they don't back off, people are going to die. Period.
And it will be both sides bleeding, as there should be enough up close and personal contact that someone is going to get hurt. Will it be much? Does it matter at that point?
If we manage to get ourselves killed in the process, everyone out there in III land should know it is a call to arms of unmistakable clarity. If that doesn't 'activate' some of the III WITH weapons to start some major shit against TPTB in their area RFN ...go ahead and turn the channel right now. I don't want you with us if you're going to turn and run at the first sight of 'fun'.
If this is going to be a last stand, like Kerodin, I plan on doing it the right way and once.
Mr. M, thank you for your remarks. You were right on the money with your comments.
Dan & Millerized: congrats, you're part of the problem with the liberty/patriot/III movement. Anything not 100% in line with your worldview gets attacked along with the person, not to mention that you ignored what I was and am asking:
DeleteWhat we're about is openly available on the net. Even the Gummint has figured that one out by now. It makes sense that Sam & Company will be given greater scrutiny than your typical sign-waving hippies. What's the plan for that? What is your next step after your taxpayer-funded concussion? Do you even submit to a clubbing, and how do you fight that off? Even though video of armored police beating up Citizens is common, how can you make yours compelling, and is there even a plan to do so?
In other words, how do you make this as sucessful as possible? An armed response, after more thought, probably isn't the way to go, but neither is meek submission unless that can be used to our benefit.
And for the record gentlemen, that isn't *defeatist*, it's called thinking ahead. Had I seen anything significant here talking about that, I wouldn't have bothered with commenting. I'm not exactly Sam's biggest fan, but I want him to succeed, and I want to have to apologize to him for my doubt.
Peter: You are taking the position that LEO intends to force a confrontation regardless of our posture & disposition?
Well Peter...why do you even visit this blog ? Why do you offer advise that is not asked for ? Earlier in your initial comment you asked Mr. K if he would "hide some guys all kitted up". You were using secret squirrel-ese meaning "Are you going to post citizen, dedicated marksmen on overwatch". You didn't even have the 'nads to send your "suggestion" in the clear.
DeleteIn my earlier reply to you I asked you four questions. Questions asking what are you willing to do. In your chickenhawk response you didn't answer a one of them. NADA. None, Zip. Rather you decided that you could respond by telling me and Mr. M that we are the problem. Well guess what Bub, I really don't care that you didn't like my above reply to you. I really don't give a rat's backside that you were offended because I didn't accept your points of view. I don't reaaly care that you didn't read me making efforts to be bipartisan with you on this topic. I really don't care for your critique because you are not part of the III effort. You're just a malingerer in the fight for Freedom. So have the balls to honestly answer the below questions. Perhaps you'll establish some credibility:
Have you ever berated elected officials at a public meeting ?
Have you ever filed and fought and funded a federal civil suit against a corrupt .gov entity ?
Have you ever sworn an oath to defend the United States Constitution from all enemies foreign & domestic ?
Have you attended a PATCON ?
Have you made financial contributions to Mr. K's 527 fund ?
Are you planning on raising money to fund legal fees or funerals for us and Mr. K, attending the 3 NOV event ?
Are you offering your services "all kitted up" to be a precision rifle armed, dedicated marksman hidden, on overwatch at the 3 NOV event ?
Or are you just some yellow-belly troll, flapping your fingertips on the keyboard attacking Mr. K and company for making efforts to do something remarkable on 3 NOV ?
Now see if you can answer the above questions put to you above. Methinks you'll ignore the questions and slither back a response with ridicule and rhetoric.
Go pop the tab on another Bud.
If I'm the problem, I think that maybe the III needs to rethink it's whole reason for being here. If you're advocating a kumbaya sing-along, I'm sure Mike will help you with that. If you're looking to make a point, with full support of 'LIVES, FORTUNES and SACRED HONOUR' between those that are actually ready to sacrifice them, then please continue. If you are not, and by the sounds of your comments you aren't, then please go hit one of the other sites.
ReplyDeleteWhen I left for the Liberty Summit, I had passed the keys, combinations and PIN's, titles and deed to what I owned to my neighbor, along with instructions on what to do with it if he saw 'us' on the news.
This November, my soon to be wife will be presented with the exact same thing. All of the material possessions will be hers legally without my name on any of them. I'll be living under her roof, driving her truck or her motorcycle, using her ATM card and checks on her bank accounts.
Do you, or have you any provisions for even attending? As Dan asked, have you done ANYTHING to prepare or assist with this movement? Or are you attempting to do nothing more than frighten men and women that will no longer be frightened or live in fear of living (or dying) for a cause they believe in?
Sorry dude, you're going to have to resort to physical attacks to do anything to this train. The next stop is DC, and there are no stops in between except to pick up more true Patriots...
....and from what I'm seeing, it won't be stopping in your home town.
Dan: I didn't respond because none of what you wrote was or is worth responding to. See, it takes two to argue, and I'm not going to dignify your spew by answering. Always keep in mind that you're one of the problems we face with your so-called "questions" which aren't questions at all. Jerk.
ReplyDeleteSam: Hopefully, your gathering will be just another day at the office for the coppers, that is to say not a big deal. However, it will be right before the election, and if the current trends continue, the Obama folks are going to be getting pretty desparate and it doesn't take a particularly vivid imagination to see a potential overreaction by the PTB, especially if they're concurrently spinning this as a precursor to armed insurrection (Count on them pointing out the empty holsters for starters). I know you have a plan for the day, please make sure you have one if things get dicey. You'll have at most 24 hours to edit and upload video of any abuses before the Election. That could be really powerful for those people still on the fence as to which criminal to vote for. Good luck and Godspeed to you on this.
So Peter....my questions weren't questions. Well....of course not in your mind. My questions were valid questions of you. But of course you chose to ignore them. Then you proceeded to call me names. How typically Saul Alinsky of you.
DeleteYou've got some big gonads behind your anonymity. But your cowardice is most apparent. BTW....wasn't Friday payday for you DHS guys ?
So, in closing, I'm a jerk and you're a coward. Hmmmm....seems fair enough to me. Guess you aren't planning on being in full kit on overwatch in DC on 3 NOV. Unless you'll be wearing black with DHS emblazoned on your back.