Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, June 4, 2012


Dropped by the engraver today and gave him our second batch of Cold Steel. He has nearly all of the different patterns in his computer now and will have the first batch ready for me to pick up tomorrow or Wednesday. That means the first Cold Steel orders will ship this week.

Sorry for the delay, folks. But I'd rather have things take a little longer and end up with branded gear we can all wear and carry with pride.

KA-BAR wrote this afternoon, and they are now processing our order. FINALLY!

We shipped a bunch of gear this afternoon, including almost everything from Condor. A couple of you can expect rather large boxes - those of you who ordered several Condor pieces. I'd love feedback & reviews when you get your stuff and have a chance to work with it a while.

Thank you all for the support.

I'll give you all a heads-up when the Cold Steel actually ships to you later this week.

Hoodies: Look for our email tonight or tomorrow.

Final Notice: KA-BAR and Cold Steel pricing will be going up significantly later this week.



  1. My Condor order and book came to today. All in good shape, thanks K.
    Miss Violet

    1. Glad everything arrived ok.

      Does that pouch do what you were hoping? I found that my Smartphone won't fit in it, but it works for a flip/burn phone.


    2. It doesn't fit my work radio, darn it, but it will fit some personal comm gear, but I'm going to have to order another one.
      Miss V

    3. Miss V: Check this pouch and measure your work radio. If it looks like it'll fit I'll order one for you.



  2. I looked at it and unless I'm not connecting a wire in my brain, the dimensions just don't add up. It says the pouch is 4 inch wide and that doesn't compute, not being 8 inches tall and 21/2 inches deep. At least those dimensions don't seem to go with the photo. Maybe I'm just missing something. The width makes it too big. Thanks for looking though.
    Miss V

    1. My Smartphone is 2.5 wide x 5 tall.

      The closest fit is this M14 mag pouch: https://www.condoroutdoor.com/ma62singlem14magpouch.aspx

      I'm going to get one with my next order to see how it works.

      If you'd like, let me know the dimensions of your radio and I'll see what I can find that comes close.



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