What do you think, folks? Would you stick these on your local shops that cater to Enemies of Liberty? City Hall? LEO Shop?
Should I add a web address?
Zoomie, feel free to pretty it up!
Tell me the truth, folks - is this too far for you?
The III Percent Mission Statement: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will
within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson
In the absence of orders, go find something Evil and kill it!
Okay, I must be in another dimension because I think K just asked us if that sticker is too much.
ReplyDeleteI would put that on my car.
As far as the web addy, that's your call K.
Teresa Sue
...personally, I don't think rebublicans are any better though. I just think of them as the dems slow cousins.
ReplyDeleteTeresa Sue
Mr. K,
ReplyDeleteI would not be interested in a sticker chastising people of the Democratic Party persuasion. Have you forgotten that it was the treasonous John McCain, Republican senator from Arizona, who along with Levin, D-MI, conspired to draw up IN SECRET, the infamous National Defense Authorization Act ?
My rep, Mike Kelly, R-3 PA, is no less a scoundrel than any Democrat.
Please consider terminating derogatory recerences to Democrats unless you include those of Republican affiliation also. Democrat, Republican....they are only the left and right wings of the same bird.
Please consider refraining from attacking Democrats only. The 'pubs are destroying freedom and liberty also.
I agree with Dan, Republicans are right there with the Dems, but hell, so are a lot of "Independents". I would leave out references to the american political parties because you would need a billboard to list all of them that need to be included (not saying a billboard is a bad idea, just a bit heavy to carry around and plaster on walls).
ReplyDeleteI think if you change the "Democrats" to "Progressives" and leave the rest the same it would work.
As far as going "too far", if you stick that on an Obamabot/Liberal/Progressive car they might consider it a badge of honor. Most of them don't read further than the headline anyway.
I have to concur with Mr. Roote. Why even address party affiliation ?Basically our argument is with Americans who decry Freedom and Liberty. Mr. K, do what you believe is best.
How about if we add RINO's and/or Republicans?
Adding reference to 'Pubs addresses that being a scoundrel is not limited to one party affiliation.
ReplyDeleteDAN III