Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Media Goal

We've been reaching people online, in print through our books, in person at PatComs (and soon at Gun Shows), personally at the grassroots level, and on radio.

I'd like to devote our next media efforts to reaching the 128,000 gunners who read American Handgunner every month. (This is not an NRA publication).

Please consider hitting the Donate button or buying one of our III patches to help raise the money to run an ad in an upcoming issue of American Handgunner.  We need to grow, and there will be many natural allies among those who read that magazine every month.

You can donate on the right column of this page.

You can buy patches here.

Let's grow, folks.  For every new ally we find, one PatCom or Militia group somewhere in America will grow by one.


1 comment:

  1. Incoming! Should be danger close by now.


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