I have never posted about Vanderboegh on this blog, except perhaps an occasional passing mention. Most of you know my position on MBV: His is a sad and diseased Soul and he has been trying to start a violent war in America for his entire adult life.
As a younger man he was a rabid Communist and sought to begin a war in the country of his birth to impose Communist tyranny.
Now he claims to be a Patriot. Yet he still seeks to start a hot war in the country of his birth. While a fight may be inevitable, indeed required for Liberty to prevail, Mike's only concern is that History record him as the man who cast the first stone.
You may believe in his "personal growth" from filthy Commie to Patriot of Liberty if you wish. Indeed, I wish you'd wear a pin or something if you buy into that silliness, so the rest of us can identify you more easily.
I think Bill Nye has definitively documented the truth for posterity.
MBV isn't fond of Bill or me. Indeed, from his sick bed while rotting with infection I think he posted about Bill & me at least twice. Now that's living rent free in someones head.
MBV is now warming the engines of his mighty war machine and threatening to unleash an army of rock throwers if he doesn't get his way with F&F. He has declared, ad nauseum, that the legitimacy of the republic hinges upon the outcome of this scandal, as determined by Icon of Virtue Mike Vanderboegh (as if the legitimacy of those running the republic has been intact since 1861 or the power-grab of Marbury v. Madison).
This is Mike's last chance to make the History books, and he's threatening to unleash Hell from his sickbed.
Anyway, MBV has apparently been influenced by the trembling staffers on the Hill to hold off unleashing his wrath until Tuesday. He's threatening to poke the sedition laws of the republic and call upon his massive army to throw rocks again.
Of course, this time he'll be unable to participate personally because he is dying or mending, who knows. Last time he did not participate in the rock throwing, either.
Leaders operate from the front. A Leader would throw the first rock. Glory-seeking narcissists operate from lounge chairs, keyboards and the safety of the First Amendment. He risks nothing while his followers risk everything.
Am I writing this post to try to convince you to save yourself and not follow the calls of a sad and diseased narcissist? Hell no! This is America. I believe you have the full freedom to be as stupid as you want to be. And the gene pool will be better served with your absence, anyway. Anyone who throws a rock because MBV calls for it is the mental equal of the OWS Useful Idiots who follow the lead of SEIU thugs and Leftist politicians while calling for more FS for the FSA.
The only reason I am writing this post is because it ties into something I will write about in a while, including a tidbit regarding AP, bold calls to manliness (Do not bend, except at the knee to the State, which calls to the more familiar "Not one more inch, No more Waco's, No more Katrina's" hyperbole at Sipsey), intellectual dishonesty coming from a particular segment of this community recently, tiers, bins, infomercials at PatComs, controlling "The Message", and you folks will need the context.
Also, I'll be making a minor course change in my work. Most of you won't notice, but this post is part of that process.
You know, in the last week of absolute silence from me I have been accused of being divisive and sowing dissension. If I can achieve that in silence, imagine what might happen when I open my mouth and take action...
ReplyDeleteI have all the respect in the world for your work and efforts toward the return of Liberty. Don't always agree with everything you address. But those differences are rooted in opinion; just a different slant on things.
Thank you for your extensive efforts. I appreciate you more than I can state.
I completely agree with Dan. I was at the Liberty Summit but was unable to attend until Saturday so I only got to hear you speak for a few moments. I completely understood your frustrations. I'm still kind of young in the Patriot movement but God willing I will be able to do my part and make a difference. Keep posting because it's the only way some of us have of keeping up. Thanks for all you do.
DeleteR.R.-- OVM
Fuck Mikey. And his rock throwers. I hope he chokes on his CC permit.
ReplyDeleteI have noticed a shift in energy amongst the Three-pers of late. Some of it is carried in the blogs, most of it in direct contact with people I have met. Things are starting to escalate. On all sides of the issue.
ReplyDeleteI firmly believe that we are going to see something reminiscent of history lessons by years end. Keep plugging; it may influence things enough to guide more into our arms when things "go Interesting".
The difference between you and MBV, in my book, is that I'd trust MBV with my life, and I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.
DixieDennis: I pray to every God that may be in the Heavens that you are the first to answer his call to violence.
DeletePlease do so in traffic.
May you die a painful and meaningless death.
Have a nice day, and stay off my blog.
One of the differences I've noticed between Sam and Mike, is that Mike will cut you off, will ignore you, treat you with disdain, if you are foolish enough to simply disagree with him. It doesn't matter if you have donated a significant sum of money to him when he has just "happened" to mention on his site that he is short of funds and struggling. It doesn't matter if you have offered to buy him dinner at his favorite restaurant in town for him and his wife's anniversary (which he at least had the grace to refuse, since I evidently was already "persona non-grata" at that time).
ReplyDeleteDisagree, question something he has said, or - G-d forbid - suggest that perhaps he is being a little bit nasty in his treatment of another person, and you are excommunicate.
I haven't seen that behavior in Sam. He may disagree, but if you deal honestly with him, you get treated with the respect that we all owe each other (until proven otherwise, anyway). Dishonesty will get you cut off, but not simple disagreement. That fragile ego issue is Mike's true disability, more so than his health. It shows in his disdain, and it shows in the virulence of his attacks on Sam. Sam's response is strong, worded in no uncertain terms, but when you have been treated as Mike treats his enemies, it seems to me to be a reasonable response.
Those that worship Mike will deem his behavior acceptable, but I do not. Folks like DixieDennis should simply STFU on Sam's blog and go drool over their master at Sipsey Street.
So, just what the hell have you or any of you done to hang your sorry asses out in the line of fire? Did the ATF come to you to break the F&F story? Why not? They chose Mike V because they trusted him and knew he had the balls to break the story. And yet you pukes constantly poke fun at him because the politicians failed him but when they failed him they failed us. Oh that's real funny. You constantly wish him dead yet I have never known Mike to wish the same for any of you. I will proudly stand side by side with Mike in the fight for the Republic. I paint you all with the same brush. All you keyboard Rambo's can just haul your ass to the rear with the gear and stay there because you don't belong where the sh*t is. See ya around.
ReplyDeleteOh and before you tell me to stay off your blog I have only one thing to say...Make me. Better yet delete my comments that would be a compliment to me.
Lookingglass: Shouldn't you be out collecting rocks or something?
L-Glass....Mr. V DID his civic duty with the reporting scum soeroro-obama and his puppet master Holder's attack on the Constitution via F & F. I believe he deserves great credit for that.
DeleteRegarding Mr. Kerodin....he works his efforts in a totally different way than Mr. V. I respect both men for their individual efforts. Too bad you feel Mr. K peed in your Wheaties. May I suggest you use your writing skills writing a big, charitable, personal check to Mike V. instead of coming here and bashing Mr. Kerodin !
L-Glass....one more thing.....I would suggest that you think twice beforer you challenge Mr. Kerodin to "make me" stay off his blog. If you had the balls to provide your name and address you be offering Mr. Kerodin a viable challenge. As it stands now you appear to be nothing more than an immature individual.
DeleteOh....and I believe Mr K. likes challenges. Be careful what you ask for.
Kerodin, I don't need rocks I have something better. But at least a few people had the guts to try something. Which is more than you and your cronies have done. Our founders would have been shooting long ago. Your cheap shot replies are meaningless to me and your BS rhetoric is boring. So give me another stupid death wish reply, I'm waiting.
ReplyDeleteBy the way do you have voodoo dolls that you stick pins in every nights?
Lookinglass: Ah, so you are saying that when Mike commands the next set of rocks be thrown, as he has threatened to do in the near future, you'll be going with "something better"?
L-glass....you want to write about rhetoric ? ".... a few people had the guts to try something". Who and what did your "few" do that was so courageous ?
Delete"Our founders would have been shooting long ago". So, you're stating that they had bigger ones than you possess ? Why haven't YOU sent rounds downrange ? Lead by example.
"Your bullshit rhetoric is boring". Mr. K is so boring you keep coming back for more ! Hehehehe....your comments crack me up.
"....do you have voodoo dolls you stick pins in every night ?". Now L-Glass THATS a comment of good, argumentive substance. Certainly makes your case that you have a personal grudge with Mr. K. So be it. But coming here and bashing Mr. K with YOUR hypocritical rhetoric and dung, is certainly not endearing any of Mr. K's "minions" to you and your way of thinking.
Keeping.commenting here. I'm enjoying your efforts to ridicule Mr. K on his own doorstep. The more you comment here the more you indicate your lack of integrity and personal honor.
Now, riddle me this....have you stroked a nice, personal check to Mr. V in his time of need (oh, don't expect a thank you, he won't give one) ? Have you sent rounds downrange like you claim the founders would have ? Date & location please ?
Let me repeat - don't stop commenting here. I find your failure to express one substantial and non-rhetorical comment to be quite entertaining, in a humorous sort of way.
Dan 111, "Riddle me this"? are you trying to impress me with poetic words? Quite comical. There's no need to comment to your childish gibberish. I've asked several questions but it seems no one can answer them. I have made my point and I have kicked you in the arse and you have run home to mommie. Only an idiot (or the fed) would ask the questions that you have asked me and you really expect an answer? Which are you? As special "K" would say have a nice day but I don't wish you dead.
L-Glass....the fact is you have not asked any valid questions. You have spewed rhetoric as I indicated earlier. You wrote a lot of innuendo, no substance. You made anonymous challenges to Mr.K. You IMPLIED how tough you are with your alleged "tough guy" claims. But you can't back up your "tough guy" talk with any factual examples. Rather you visit here and spew more argumentive, worthless comments.
DeleteYour refusal to answer my earlier questions only confirms what is apparent....you're a keyboard warrior. You accuse me of being "an idiot or a Fed" because I asked you specific questions in response to your unsubstantiated claims, that you have taken physical action against .gov. Seems like you're stonewalling ala scumbag Eric Holder. Guess you've learned much from Fast & Furious, eh ?
In conclusion to your quite mature and intellectual response to my "childish gibberish", the fact is you're simply a blowhard, a troll, a bullshit artist. I asked you several questions you could have answered easily. You could have provided answers to prove your dedication to Mr. V and his brick-throwing leadership. You did not answer me. You refused. You instead attacked my valid questions and used the weapon of ridicule against me, courtesy of Saul Alinsky and his Rules For Radicals. You practice the same tactics as those you profess to despise.
Your hypocrisy overwhelms me.