Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Connecting Russian & US Communist Dots

Report: Russian Troops to ‘Seize’ CIA Facility in Elaborate War Game… on U.S. Soil

Russia threatens to strike NATO missile defense sites

And let us not forget our President's hot mic to Medvedev: Caught On Hot Mic: Obama Tells Russian President He Needs ‘Space,’ Will Have ‘Flexibility After My Election’

Patriots: If you can't connect those dots and synthesize them into your broader knowledge of tyrannical history, I can't help you.



  1. Just put III patches on those Russian Para's to make it more realistic for the AmeriKan forces.

  2. Oh surely you jest. ;-)

    Everyone knows Marxism is dead.

    Just ask the Marxists.

    Good find.



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