OK folks, when I start getting hate mail for things said on blogs (not my own!) that I consider to be "in our community" I think that gives me a position to work with you and clarify a few points.
I was asked what, exactly, the III Percent advocates.
That is a fair question, but can only really be answered with: How much is a bunch of nickels?
There are too many of us with too many varied positions to answer that question neatly, tied with a bow.
But, what I think binds us all, from Secessionists to Constitutionalists to our hardcore Libertarians and Anarchists, is that we all choose Liberty over Collectivism.
So here is my proposal: When asked "What the III Percent advocates" I would like to offer as our "Official" (as loosely as that word can be applied) position to be from Thomas Jefferson:
Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson
I've posted a poll at the right column. Please take a moment and let me know if you have a problem with that quote as our "Official" position. Feel free to comment as well.
Bloggers: If you agree with the quote and position, I'd love to see it start to propagate across our blogs.
III Percent Patriots: Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Done and done.
While I don't know if it should an "official" slogan for a group of people who have their own idea's and dreams, it always has and always will be MY official slogan. The simple form of which is "Leave me alone and I will leave you alone."
People's reaction to this concept should tell you all you need to know about who's side they are on...
Thanks, Toaster. I'm not sure I have not4self in the blogroll, I'll add it.
DeleteI agree about the "Official" term - the word doesn't fit perfectly with my genuine meaning, but I can't think of a better one.
The original, and thus, "official" position (or doctrine, if you will) of the "Three Percent" stated very clearly that the Three Percent would never consent to disarmament.
ReplyDeleteFor ease of discussion, I quote it here in bold-faced italics:
The Doctrine of the Three Percent.
The Three Percent are the folks the Founders counted on to save the Republic when everyone else abandoned it.
And we will.
There will be no more free Wacos and no more free Katrinas.
For we are the Three Percent.
We will not disarm.
You cannot convince us.
You cannot intimidate us.
You can try to kill us, if you think you can.
But remember, we’ll shoot back .
We are not going away.
We are not backing up another inch.
And there are THREE MILLION OF US.
Your move, Mr. Wannabe Tyrant.
Your move.
Whether or not you agree with, like, or even acknowledge the existence of the author, one Mike Vanderboegh, the doctrine, or "official position" of the III was already standing quite awhile before the III 527 and other facets of the "III" community were so much as concepts.
To not acknowledge the existence of such does a disservice to the entire III community, and therefore, I believe it should stand as it is.
Everyone involved in the community brings something worthwhile to the table; to discount those contributions out of hand only hurts us all.
My .02
Trainer: With due respect to you...
DeleteI have, several times, acknowledged Mike's contribution of bringing the III back into the lexicon.
That said: Mike's "Position/Doctrine" has proved to be, by his sycophants and by himself, nothing but hyperbole, a series of lines in the sand they will not defend.
So, it is worse than useless, for every single time an insult to that "Position" is offered and goes unanswered, the III becomes more irrelevant, impotent and hollow. And by extension the entire Liberty Movement suffers.
No more free Wacos and Katrinas? Happens every f'n day and not ONE event has been countered by Mike, his sycophants and his Doctrine.
We will not disarm? Mike himself proved he will not defend that line in the sand.
You cannot convince us? You cannot intimidate us? Please. Asked & answered by the Merry Leader himself. He should not talk the talk if not willing to walk the walk.
We'll shoot back? Haven't seen that, even when the opportunity presented.
We're not backing up another inch? In case anyone isn't paying attention, Tyranny gains every single day and the response from Mike is to praise and salute ATF Agents.
If that is your doctrine, so be it. But if it is, I would ask why you have not yet engaged your local Tyrants to live your Doctrine.
I call BullShit on Mike's Doctrine, because his followers are not willing to defend it, nor is he.
And that is observable fact.
Say goodnight Gracie
DeleteBill Nye
And so we continue to eat our own...no matter how significant the early contributions were...
DeleteI won't discuss this issue in a public forum any longer as doing so doesn't do anything to move us toward restoration.
We've had enough division....it's time to move beyond that stumbling block from my perspective.
I'm happy to discuss any difficult or highly charged issue privately, as I'm sure you know, because I don't wish to encourage our mutual enemies or lift their morale by allowing them to see discord.
It's up to you now to take this in a positive direction for the III movement as a whole, which includes even those you don't like, but have the same goals, no matter how weak their attempts are to reach them.
We need all of us, so before throwing down the gauntlet of "what have you done?", consider that whether you or I have knowledge of what other AO's are doing or not doesn't mean one place or one person or one group or another is inactive in the move toward restoration.
Thanks for allowing my input.
Trainer: Your input is always welcome.
DeleteYou'll note that once again the issue of Vanderboegh/Kerodin was raised by someone other than me. Most people do not take the time to acknowledge that fact - when Vanderboegh/Kerodin issues erupt, it is not Kerodin who draws first blood. It is usually Mike, or one of his fans.
And also please note, I am not playing the "What have you done..." game. But for the folks who genuinely subscribe to Mike's Doctrine, it is now a legitimate question to put to them.
If they are sincere about "...not one more inch..." and "No more Waco's...", where are the teeth of their convictions? Waco happens daily and Liberty is forced back daily, yet no response from those who have threatened a violent response. They threaten to "...shoot back..." in the Doctrine you posted.
It is weakness, and it is foolish Strategy to issue threats that are not exercised when challenged.
I know there is positive forward movement out there in various AO's. My only issue is with folks who declare they will take violent action if X happens, and then they fail to live up to their rhetoric.
I do hope to travel in a positive direction.
I cannot do it alone. If the III Brand is to have a positive impact in the broader efforts of Restoration and Liberty, it is upon us all to be positive, to live up to our rhetoric, to make certain that rhetoric is prudent and possible, to self-police and eliminate the negative voices who make reasoned discourse impossible.
That's why I ask people for input. The III is not about Kerodin or even Vanderboegh.
It is about Liberty.
Mr. Trainer....I believe Mike V. described how he got busted for a firearms violation. Mr. V then failed to follow his own doctrine "We will not disarm" when he did himself.
DeleteIt's easy to spout rhetoric and exercise one's Internet muscles as Mr. V has with his doctrine. It's another thing to "put up or shut up". That's why we're only III Percent. Because only 3% of us will be willing to fight and die AND kill for freedom. I only pray should the time come that I will have tbe courage of my convictions.
That Jefferson quote is rather anarchistic. I like it.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kent. I often wonder how different our Constitution would be if Jefferson had been involved in the process. I suspect many of our problems today would have been nipped in the bud had he been in the room.
DeleteWhen it comes to Government, I am a minimalist. ;)
Done and done.
Thanks, Brock.
DeletePosted at the top. Big & red for the blood of Patriots.
ReplyDeleteThanks Rich!
Delete"No more free Wacos"...hahahaha! Tell that to the poor bastards that get "swat-ed"....today! Or the poor sob whose "papers are not in order" who gets drug in front of some black-robed child molester to gouged some more...fuck em!
ReplyDeleteAnon: Exactly right! It is now an everyday occurance. Somewhere across the country, every single day, people are getting Waco'd and worse.
Happened in Modesto a couple of days ago.
DeleteEqual rights of others? I do not disagree with Jefferson's comment of course but in essence it leaves many problems very open ended. The issues of declining rights is usually defended from a position of assuring rights for others. In most cases they are not even rights but the lefty progressives think they are or should be none-the-less.
ReplyDeleteThat statement means nothing to a progressive they believe health care is a right and so much so it trumps other rights. Housing, birth control, education... the list of their "rights" is endless.
I know what you mean and I know what Jefferson meant but an official slogan shouldn't be open to interpretation.
Pioneer: I absolutely understand your points.
DeleteHere's my counter: Any statement can be twisted, and will be twisted, by the Enemies of Liberty. I can't create a position that is more encompassing, yet at the same time precise in its meaning, than Rightful Liberty from Jefferson.
For me, it is enough if people like you and me get it. And it's up to us to ignore, convince or otherwise dispose of people who would pervert the meaning as Jefferson offered it.
While the quote is a fine one, I prefer something more pointed, less ambiguous, but not overly specific.
ReplyDelete“When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.” -Thomas Jefferson
Just my 2¢.
The simpler the better in this case. Both Jefferson quotes do that. Mike's is good, whether he's stood by it or not, but it's much too long for the task at hand.
Some voted no, I voted yes, because in the main this is what should be the position of those who love Liberty. However, the morphing of society is why this is being discussed to begin with. Col. Cooper once quoth, "common sense is what tells us the earth is flat". Sounds accurate to me.
Mr. K,
ReplyDeleteYou're smarter than the average bear.
ReplyDelete"It depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is." ---Philanderer-in-Chief Bill Clinton during his Senate impeachment hearing.
My point is any phrase, quote, slogan or word can be interpreted any way one's opposition chooses to.
Liberty what is it? Is there a "Higher liberty?
ReplyDeleteI like your new banner and agree with the premise,is there room for this information in the discussion?
Well, like usual I'm late for the party, but I say go with the quote. As I catch up reading here I see you've been very busy while I've been at work ;)
ReplyDeleteMiss Violet
You work an awful lot, Miss V. I know you live in a beautiful part of the world, I hope you find time to enjoy it.
Well, I don't plan on working two jobs forever, but I can't shake that nagging feeling time is short and there is so much to do before everything implodes. So for now, I have to remember what I used to tell my kids, "you can sleep when you're dead." ;)
ReplyDeleteMiss V