UPDATE: Folks - I need some help with the hoodies. 42 of you said you wanted to order, and to date 9 have stepped up. I need to hit a minimum of 24 or this is a No-Go.
If you want a hoodie, please step-up and place your order so we can get this off my desk. Read the details below about color options.
If we can't hit our minimum very soon, I'm just going to pull the plug and start refunding people their money.
Remember, I am not running a store, here.
The idea is cohesion and morale. The meager profit left from each sale is used to finance the work being done by the 527.
Frankly, it's becoming more aggravation than it is worth.
If you want a hoodie, let's please get it done.
I spoke with our printer and we are going to work together to give everyone color choices.
I am NOT going to add a PayPal button for every color combination. You'll simply use the existing PayPal button selections at IIIGear.com and select pullover/zipper and then size.
When you order at PayPal you can add a note and simply type in what color you want.
Here are the color options:
White Hoodie w/black ink
Ash Hoodie w/black ink
Pink Hoodie w/black logo
Black Hoodie w/white logo
Royal Blue Hoodie w/white logo
Red Hoodie w/white logo
Forest Green Hoodie w/white logo
Your order form will say you ordered black - ignore it.
For you folks who have already ordered, just let me know if you want to change your color choice. Kerodin@Kerodin.com
K if we don't meet our minimum order don't refund my money. Please use it for the gun show or where ever it is needed most. ;)
ReplyDeleteMiss Violet
Come on people,I want a hoodie! You don't order I don't get mine.I am broke too! But 527 is best cause there is! Just do it!
Krikies people, if you can't even be counted on to do this when you said you would, how can you be counted on to watch anyone's 6 when it matters? Building the III is an investment as much as buying bullets, beans, and bandaides.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't get that, then get a government job and quit reading III blogs. Oh, wait, you'd still be reading III blogs, my bad.
Miss Violent-no, I didn't type that wrong, that's how I feel right now.