Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, April 16, 2012

Anders Breivik

Check out the patch he wore as he hunted.

And just for debrief: His ratio was 77:1. His targets were unarmed kids, for the most part. The point? Just because you have a pack & vest filled with hi-cap mags, don't think any action will ever be as simple as shooting fish in a barrel.

77:1 given the circumstances is a Fail.

Here's the story.



  1. 77 2 1 aint perfect.but its a start.
    Liberty Valance

  2. 77 is a fail? You ever hunt rabbit?

  3. Anon: Yes, 77 is a Fail when a heavily armed man is hunting school children on an island.

    It lends one to conclude that had he been hunting armed men his ratio would have sucked, and that is a Fail.

    Anything less than 85:1 against armed players is a Fail in the coming festivities.



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