Here we go, folks.
It states our primary objective: Restore the Constitution.
It declares that we mean business: This ain't no damned game!
I hope we have softened the language enough to prevent offense among our friends.
I did a lot of searching around the web for pricing. I managed to price 1 for $5, which is pretty much the average. For you folks looking to buy enough to sell at gun shows, we get you down to $3 each, so you can still have a decent profit margin.
And if you are a rebel, you can buy in bulk and wallpaper your entire city. ;)
I hope we support this effort, folks. Such stickers are an inexpensive way to get our message out there. We have branded the sticker with so that if your sticker is seen by someone who wants more info, they can find us.
I will mirror at so that when people land there, they will find our list of blogs to explore.
If we get the support we need, folks, we'll roll out another sticker to keep building our message and brand.
Thank you to Zoomie for all of his hard and exceptional work.
We will also be building a handout for our gun shows using another piece of his art on one side of a high-gloss postcard (probably a 6x9 or 6x11) with all of our blogs listed on the other side.
A personal note: I firmly believe that what we face is pure Evil.
I will probably publish work that, from time to time, offends even our allies.
When that happens, direct your ire at me, completely.
And, it will happen.
Thank you all for your support. Please support this effort by adding a few of these great stickers to your III Gear.
The printer has a target date of April 4 to deliver the stickers to my shop. I'll send them out when they come in.
You can order from the sidebar, or from, here. While you are at IIIGear, pick up a shirt, mug or other III Gear to support our efforts. We are working hard toward building a serious Gun Show presence, and the only way we'll get there is by moving III Gear and your donations.

The shirt above is a Condor Tactical Shirt that is just one of the items we are working to offer at IIIGear and at the Gun Shows. It takes operating capital to make the initial investments, folks - this is why we sell stickers and t-shirts, and everything else, so we can buy ads and hand-out material, et cetera.
Do you like the shirt? I own this one, and it is outstanding quality. I have not embroidered it yet, but I have found a local shop that will do the work for us for a very fair price, and the price gets better with the more I can bring him.
I have a very aggressive Gun Show Business Model in development so we can spread our Brand and find our allies, while advancing OUR understanding of Liberty.
I've got to tell you - I never trained with the classic KA-BAR until this one, and I am finding it to be an outstanding Battle Blade. Given my choice, I will still alway reach for my Cold Steel Tantos first - but I have a tremendous amount of confidence in this KA-BAR, as I am sure many of you can attest the same. And coupled with the Aguilar quick-draw sheath, it is a beast that can be brought to bear in a heartbest.
Everything we offer through and our Gun Show Tour will be Branded.
We'd like to hit at least 1 show each month through the summer to work out the kinks, and be up to 3-5 by early fall. In the month or 2 before Deer Season we'd like to be at several shows across the country at once, with the help of Patriots who man the booths.
We can only get there with your help.
That is where we will grow and find our allies, as we continue building the III Brand.
Well done!
ReplyDeleteNice. Great job, really, I know that you and Zoomie both put a lot of effort into this project.
ReplyDeleteWould you consider adding a stick pin to the III collection? You know, something you could wear on a cap hat or lapel?
Miss Violet
You must read minds, Miss V.
ReplyDeleteI've been looking at pins, and wondering if we should just go with III or add the Minuteman & Resist as well. I'm not sure how much detail the pin-maker will be able to capture.
I've never worn them, but I know many folks do, so I think it would be a good option to have on the table.
Well, I thought they would be a nice addition, especially for the women because most of the III gear will be geared for the men in our community. I mean, the feminists can claim all they want that men and women are the same, I happen to know they are not, and most women don't look good in men's gear. The stick pin would be something that could work for men or women. Also, I didn't think, although I might be wrong, that they would be a huge investment either.
ReplyDeleteMiss V
Miss V: For the pins, do you like the concept of simply the Roman III, or the III plus Minuteman, or the full logo: III + Minuteman + Resist?
I would buy one of each. ;)
ReplyDeleteThe Roman III would be the easiest to produce, but I actually like the the full logo the best.
When I joined JPFO they offered two choices of pins with their membership. I passed on the one that had the Jewish star because I'm not Jewish and chose one that has an image of a minuteman holding a flag. The wording on it is "All of the Bill of Rights for all Citizens." at the top and under the minuteman it says "Bill of Rights Day December 15." It's a metal pin, the edges are scalloped like a stamp and the face of it isn't enamel (which I think would be expensive) but the image seems to be coated with a clear epoxy or something of the sort...just guessing. It's not bad looking though. So I think it would be easy enough to do our full logo.
Miss V
Side-note: I received my III package today and everything was in great shape, thanks!
DeleteMiss V
ReplyDeleteSince you like tantos, and are impressed with the Ka-Bar, check this out. I have one and love it. The shape and proportions are superior to Ka-Bar's smaller tanto (1254).
PS: I'll buy some stickers.
Any pointers for making these stickers *really* hard to remove?
Second the "*really* hard to remove" request. I just ordered 10 this morning and plan on distributing them on neighborhood streetlights and bus stops.
ReplyDeleteHard to remove: I've never tried anything like this, and since it is for entertainment purposes only, I'd think any sticker that was placed on a bed of fresy spray-tack cement and then given a top coat of same spray-glue, would remain on a Mayor's car quite a while.
Sorry if this chaps anyone's ass, but a guy who shall remain nameless posted quite some time back about using condensed milk to stick posters and such to the windows of Democratic Party offices, townhalls, etc. Claimed it was quick and easy, took only a few seconds to sponge a coat of the stuff onto the sticker and was very difficult to remove once it had dried (after it was applied at 0-Dark-Thirty). I haven't tried it (yet) but it sounds good.
Delete"Here's how you do it.
Ingredients: One gallon zip lock bag. One clean cotton washcloth. (Or sponge.) One can of pet milk, poured into the bag as needed. (Remember to have several cans in the car. I remember one fine, soft night we went through hundreds of posters and a couple cases of Pet.) Also, if the modern cans still require it, the ever popular church key to open them.
OK, you put the Pet Milk and the cloth in the zip lock, and the zip lock in a purse, gym bag, whatever, but it needs to be slung over your shoulder and, if possible, attached to your belt so it doesn't go swinging -- very messy. Your partner (this always works best with two poster commandos -- one with the posters, the other with milk -- and at least one lookout) carries the posters individually rolled in a larger gym bag so they can be rapidly pulled without fumbling. (Once we had some monster posters to put up and we used a long baseball player's bat bag.)
Lookout gives the go ahead. You open the zip lock and pull out your soaked washcloth, as the commando with the poster whips it out and places it up against the surface to be postered, front side down. The wiper takes his soaked rag and saturates the back of the poster, making sure to completely cover it. The guy who has been holding the poster against the surface now reverses it, image side up and you both smooth it with your hands. The wiper then gives another coat of Pet Milk to the front, again making sure the entire surface is covered.
With practice it can be done in seconds.
You are now done, and you both walk away casually. Using boy-girl teams for this is not a bad idea, as they appear to be interested in each other rather than the appearance of a couple of manly men who, at first glance of a cop, are probably up to something.
Do not be furtive or act nervous or guilty. Casual. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
When this miraculous stuff dries, that poster will have to sandblasted off. Forget scraping. It will never come off to mere gentle persuasion and elbow grease, no matter how abrasive."
Sounds like a good plan. ;)
DeleteK fact, has anyone thought about a point system for the best "Mission Accomplished" location?
Obama's tour bus
DeleteWhoever scores that one: I won't be able to bail you out, but I'll have a prize for you when you get out. ;)
I think we have to define "Mission Accomplished".
DeleteIs the mission to reach out to people who are sleeper III Patriots and bring them to the cause, or is it to see who can count coup the best? Of course, two categories are good....
Myself, as much as annoying the ptb is appealing, I will be out to bring people in. Here in the west the distances are great and the people are sparse and it will be difficult to survive the crash with thinly spread Patriots.
Miss Violet
You are right, Miss V. The scoring system is humorous...and only tinged with truth. Since I live in DC, no matter where I put them, it'll rile the natives. ;)
DeleteBut at gun shows and with certain political events, we'll reach allies. Our instinct must remain 80/20 on drawing in new allies. There will be plenty of time for picking fights in the future. (Heck, the fights will come to us.)
But I have to admit, the little bear-poker in me would enjoy a MSM story of a III sticker on a campaign bus. ;)
DeleteYou're preachin' to the choir K. Just remember,chores before fun. ;)
Miss V
With the pins, just do the III and resist if possible, I really like the pin idea.
ReplyDeleteI love the shirt, the sticker, and all of it. Damn I hope I can get into a trucking job so I can get a bunch of stuff, support PATCOM and Liberty Summit. Damn I sound like a used car salesman... But this is all we got, so better grow it while we still have a chance.