Texas wants to force people to get a picture ID before voting.
DoJ protests.
Now, before you knee-jerk to stand against anything endorsed by the current Administration, check your First Principles. Far too many Patriots fail to gut-check before spouting.
Do you believe the State has the Authority and/or Power to assign identity documents to you? Do you take the position that a Citizen is required to have identity documents in order to participate in American life - such as driving, voting, flying?
The real problem Texas has is with people who should not be here flooding the voting stations to stuff the boxes for D's.
That is the problem...and is the solution really being approved by Patriots that Citizens line up for papers? Wrong direction, Scooter.
There are other solutions, based on Liberty. Let's not go backwards.
Here's the piece from Drudge.
I am curious what the solution is, since you cannot prove a negative, we cannot force those not here legally to carry documents, mathematically that leaves the proof of eligibility on those here legally, right? I think that the right to vote should be guarded very closely, or you have assholes from ACORN being bused around 3 states to vote many times in each election. I suppose purple fingers would be a start, at least they could only vote once.
ReplyDeletePurple fingers is a better solution that having Liberty-minded folks endorse mandatory papers, I think.
ReplyDeleteIt would not take much energy for us to noodle-through a series of work-arounds that preserve Liberty.
Sure, there would be people who try to game the system - that's where personal responsibility comes back into the discussion. That's where Constitutional governance comes back into the discussion - close the borders, for one.
ReplyDeleteThere are too many that would rather push the burden onto the society (IE Government) than stand watch on the towers. It is just one more symptom of what is truly wrong at the very core of our country today.
ReplyDeletePurple fingers is fine by me, I could think of some others as well as could others.
Your final point in comment is the key."that's where personal responsibility comes back into the discussion." and that is where the conversations need to start.
Land mine the frikkin border a half mile deep.
ReplyDeleteCurtis I
Curtis I,
DeleteBorder doesn't need a minefield nearly that deep. Triple barrier fence, razor wire at top, AP mines laid between fence rows, twenty yards deep will do the trick. Trust me. Not even the rabbits would venture to tread in that fenceline on the East German border.
Yea this is a sticky subject. while most of the legal citizens of Texas already have TDL's, mil ID's, SSN card w/ a pic this would be the simplest solution.
ReplyDeleteThen factor in the voter registration you have redundancy.
So there is no need for additional ID's.
As far as keeping the D's frpom double dipping, I agree with Dio. Purple finger everybody. If it worked in Iraq with, then it should have no problem here.
Old-School tactics work far more often than Masters would like to make public. And, not just for voting...
Knee jerk reactions are when you blind yourself to reason and logic. In a world where ID is demanded daily why do you suppose the dhimmies oppose voter ID?
ReplyDeleteAnd a knee jerk reaction to support such regime attacks cannot help but place the police state in a position where the will of the voters is irrelevant. THINK people, don't be knee jerk idiots.
Anon: 07:32 - Just so I am clear, you take the position that it is fine for Government to demand that you carry Government-issued identity papers and present them when demanded?
ReplyDeleteFurther, you assert it is ok to take this position because, well, we live in a world where it is demanded daily?
If I am correct on your positions, let me know.
The only reason anyone has a problem with "undocumented"/"repeat" voters is because our money is stolen from us by the Infernal Rectum Stuffers, then "redistributed". Take away the welfare, food stamps, etc. and nobody would give a flying... It all boils down to money. That's why the Founders only wanted land owners to vote, they knew the "downtrodden" would vote themselves a piece of the pie...
ReplyDeleteMr. K,
ReplyDeleteYou seem to forget that all Americans today must have a National Identification Number and it assigned within only several days of birth. Your readers know it as FDR's beloved Social Security Number !
One can do little in this country without declaring one's SSN/NATIONAL ID NUMBER.
So, let's get rid of the people who insist we have to abide that system.
This was in my inbox this morning, apparently it's supposed to be a joke...but I'm not laughing, it certainly fits in with Craig Cavanaugh's take on things. "Infernal Rectum Stuffers", ha, good one Craig.
ReplyDeleteThe IRS sent my tax forms back!
I guess it was because of my response to the question:
List all dependents.
I replied- 12 million illegal immigrants; 3 million crack heads; 42 million unemployable people on food stamps, 2 million people in over 243 prisons; half of Mexico ; and 535 fools in the U.S. House and Senate.
Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer.
Sometimes jokes are funny because they have a bit of truth to them, but sometimes they ARE NOT funny because there is too much truth to them. Maybe I just need more caffeine.
Miss V
This is a sticky whicket to be sure. How many show picture ID when buying beer? Tobacco? Ammo? without a thought. Yet we get up in arms over showning ID to do the most important thing we have as Americans. First, you already must identify yourself before you vote, name and address and then sign the voters log by district. Second, how many of you live in an area where voter fraud is rampent? The area I live in is full of illegals who vote (even though it is a rural area). In addition we have a sect of religious types (most of whom are US citizens) that vote early and vote often, travelling to several counties and voting in national elections (and both groups are large and voted for Obama). Living with the result is not good. Add to that it is the progressive who is so outraged about someone not getting to cast a vote because it might expose them as inelligible to vote since most would vote for the marxist and I wonder if it is such a bad idea. And finally, I have always showed my ID when voting even though it is not requiered, I have done so since I cast my first vote in 1978, voting is a right and privilage I take seriously.
Don't forget the Democrats that keep finding boxes of uncounted ballots in back offices and the trunks of cars just at the right time to win the election, not sure if the ID would have any affect on them. I think we started having to show ID for bullets back after JFK was killed. I figure the FBI, NSA, CIA could find me if they wanted, been handing out my ID long enough for it to lead to my door... on the other hand, I would like the illegals to at least have to give up their vote, so I am not paying for the democrat's poll puppets.
ReplyDeleteThe only true way we are going to clean up things is to stop those on the dole from voting and get their asses out working.
But, folks, let's not look at this in a vacuum.
ReplyDeleteAre the woes in America all caused by ballot stuffing and rigging by the D's?
If they stopped tomorrow, would anything change?
Would the R's suddenly fix things?
We are a group that has essentially concluded that the entire system of people in the system is corrupt - how does expending so much energy, while violating our deepest principles, for little gain, advance the cause of Liberty?
It doesn't.
Stopping vote fraud is great. But it can be done without Communist style "Show me your Papers" remedies. That's giving the patient cancer to lance a boil. It is applying a tourniquet to the neck to stop bleeding from a scratch on the cheek.
You want voter fraud to stop in heavily iliegal-immigrant states? Get rid of the illegals. You want it to stop by Americans? Put bullets in their heads as Traitors, undermining the supreme law of the land.
You'll never stop rape. But you can stop rapists.
Think about it. Chasing symptoms and Sparklies is the game, as they advance on every other front while we chase our tails.
This is a Sparklie of magnificent proportions.
Mr. K,
DeleteYou state "get rid of the illegals." I believe the usurper in the West Wing is illegal. His illegal occupation of POTUS has been supported by the SCOTUS and nearly every member of Congress. Even the ever Constitutional Ron Paul has not called for obama's failure to comply with Article 2, Section 1. Tens of millions of Americans support the POS obama.
The entire country is not the country of my youth. Voting is worthless. 'Pub or Dem, they're just the left & right wing of the same bird.
Only RevWar III will address the growing tyranny in this cointry by .gov.
Most every time I have to show an ID to do something I get pissed. Most of the time the person asking for the ID has no official position but is forced to assist Big Brother in chiping away at our freedoms, or not have a job. Not a great choice. How ever, on the idea of having to show an ID to vote, I have no problem. It is the fault of a corrupt political system that uses party affiliation to dupe the sheeple, but I started doing it to poke the system in the eye, I did it long before the current controversy started and learned that it was always the liberal that got upset over it.