Folks, I put up a very simple Gun Show Tour page over at FightingArms.com as a general intel portal on the project.
Please do not write any show on your calendar in ink just yet - we have several hurdles to overcome before we get there.
I am open to show suggestions - if you have a kickin' show in your area with at least 400 tables and think a III Booth would do well, let me know. While it will be one heck of a strain, Holly & I have agreed we'll commit as many weekends as prudent to working out the details this summer & early fall so we can develop a proper template and begin "franchising" out shows, for lack of a better term.
Our focus will be a Go Bag display, a few tactical items (you'll get the gist of our offerings based on the companies with which we've partnered) and, of course our reason for being there: To find III Patriots and build our larger Tribe.
Our theme will be a mix of RevWarI and modern. It must be professional, with proper table throws (with logo), video loops of relevant material (I'll provide the computers & monitors), et cetera. Our presentation must be slick, it must cause the rivers of people to take pause, it must convey what we are within 3 seconds (the Marketing Golden Rule) and then we must have professional follow-through in both gear and discussions to elicit the proper level of interest of our potential new allies.
The Project MUST pay for itself, as I can't underwrite a nearly year-long show schedule if it isn't accomplishing our goals, but I don't think that will be a problem if we offer good gear at a fair price (EVERYTHING we offer on the tables will be III Branded, either engraved, embroidered, silk-screened, or otherwise) and I will be relying on you III Patriots in the relevant cities to drop by and help explain who we are to folks.
Just getting started will require that I ask for some help from you folks one more time, this time straight donations so we can meet our minimum purchase requirements with each manufacturer. Holly and I have decided that when we ask for help on this one, we'll match contributions dollar for dollar. But we'll need to ask for straight donations, because the leftover money from hats & mugs simply won't be enough to get us started properly.
We'll get to that when the time is right.
And, I am personally looking forward to meeting you all, very much.
Our radio ads have had respectable results. But I think we need to add this grassroots dynamic to our media campaign. What better way to meet new III Patriots than by letting them meet Patriots like you at our booth?
Why am I investing so much of my time and money into these efforts?
Because I believe in action. PatComs are action. Writing books and getting stickers out there is action. Talking to your local gun shops is action. Finding our allies is action. Running blogs that work toward action and solutions is action.
Liberty takes action. I believe in Liberty. So, I act. And I act proudly with you all.
We have a monthly show in Medina Ohio that packs them in in the fall, not sure on the amount of tables, but its usually the biggest show in N/E Ohio. I can get dates if you like, but fall is the best.
ReplyDeleteMike: Would that be in the Akron area, at the Summit Fairgrounds?
No I used to hit both, its Medina county fairgrounds, I know this is the biggest around here, summit county fairgrounds always seem like a smaller show and draw. If ya get out here I be sure to man the booth if your in for a little 'shopping'. Heh