Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, March 26, 2012

III Flags: Last Call

Folks, we are down to our last 10 III Flags.

I will not be placing another order without going through the pre-pay 25 minimum again, so if you want a III Flag, order before they are gone.

Your PatCom will not be complete without it! When CNN gets you on camera this summer in the face of SEIU purple, make sure you have some Tea Party fellow next to you waving our OD colors!

IIIGear.com, here.

UPDATE: How many of you would like me to invest in a batch of tapes for the back of your tactical caps, like mine: III PATRIOT ?



  1. I'll buy a batch. Tapes, not flags. I have a flag. Oh hell, you know what I mean. I'm going to bed.

  2. I'm interested in tapes.

  3. Definitely tapes, the back is lacking on my hat!

  4. I was thinking about sowing an old deathshead from Germany on the side, to much, wrong message? Let me know what ya think.


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