The next step for me is to get our Model lined up and start the back-end work of a photo shoot. This part can take a while, I'll let you know when we have made enough progress to loop you back in for an update. I think one way to keep everyone involved will be to narrow down our (our = me & Holly, she is ALWAYS part of this process because she has a great eye for choosing the right Model for a given project) list of potential Models to 3-8 and then let you folks vote for who gets the gig. A "Miss III" of sorts. We cast professional Models and aspiring professionals.
Thank you all again, for all of the support.
UPDATE Friday: OK Folks - thank you ALL for stepping up! All we need now are the 3 coats. Here is the link: We need a 42, 46 & 50 in sizes. Please let me know if you are buying one of them so I can announce which size has been taken off the table.
1 each) Fort Laramie Trading Post Continental Army topcoats (sizes 42 & 46 & 50)
We recently floated the idea of a III Media Strike that would include a pretty lass and a hardcore politically-incorrect visual (NOT sexual) that will be in-your-face enough that the Enemies of Liberty may just make enough fuss over it to give the III some free MSM airtime.
I am of the school that considers any media attention to be useful, if the response is capable of capitalizing. If the Left gets stirred up enough to condemn, our natural allies out there will have a reason to find us and a highway to our front door.
I'm pulling the poll on the right, because I have what I need: 94% of you voted to run with it.
We already have a book: Our Political Platform which covers the reasonable articulation of our positions. This qualifies as a serious work.
We have our blogs, which range from strategy & tactics to mockery & derision to critical thinking, all with a common revulsion of the Enemies of Liberty.
We have radio ads live in two markets and I hope to sell out our remaining flags and mugs to finance another market ASAP. This time I'll choose a market that will help promote a PatCom. I think TL's is the best choice, but I will put a poll up and let people vote. I'll go with the winner, given the time to get it done. As I have said before, this is NOT The Kerodin Show - this is our Movement.
The poster concept is our first major move to poke the bear. Nothing stuns an Enemy of Liberty like a sudden, unexpected punch in the throat. Given the dismissal of our values by the MSM, it can't hurt to get on their radar during this election cycle.
We are going forward with the poster. Some of you have dissented. Some with reasoned arguments, others with emotion that, admitted, a lack of knowledge on the concept.
We need a full-spectrum media presence to reach our allies.
I've given you the basic poster concept, you'll have to trust me on the specifics.
We'll print off 1,000 copies and sell them at IIIGear.com, offer them at wholesale to gun shops and we'll find a way to get them into gun shows. I suspect we have a few professional gun show vendors in the crowd. I know we have a few gun shop owners. We'll get them to you at a price that can bring you a good profit. We'll also have the model available to visit your show/shop to draw people in so she can do signings and quick pics for your customers. Charge $3-5 bucks for a quick pic and you and the model will make good money for the day.
We will give away free digital copies so everyone can post it on their website or as wallpaper, if interested. But buying a paper version will be important to help buy more ad space. I have been exploring print ad space in one or more of the better gun mags. (If they'll even accept the ad for our group).
I could ask for cash, but in this case I'm going to try something a bit different. I am going to post a list of items that I need for props in the shoot. Some of you may have the items already and be willing to donate them to the 527. Some of you may be willing to go online and buy them for us. We'll find a way to give you credit in a manner you ask, and we'll also keep your name out of it if you wish.
There will be blowback. I am good at taking hits, and I can stand at point on this. You may not want your blog or personal name attached. You let me know, we'll work something out. I already have my photographer selected, and I am narrowing down my models. I may leave final selection to you on the model after I get it down to 3-5. That's still up in the air, because I may need to nuance her a bit. These gals are career minded, and finding a III model with the proper assets will not be the easiest feat.
So, here is the list of donations I'd like to have you folks contribute:
1) Traditions Firearms Kentucky Rifle (flintlock & .50 caliber for authenticity)
2) Traditions Firearms Kentuck Pistols (flintolock & .50 caliber for authenticity)
1) Cold Steel Frontier Hawk Tomahawk (One already pledged!)
1-3) Fort Laramie Trading Post Continental Army topcoats (sizes 42 & 46 & 50)
Assortment of FedGov Windbreakers: Simple blue or Black windbreakers with FedGov agency initials on the back: DEA, ATF, FBI, EPA, and any other you find repugnant
1) Authentic RevWarI period Possibles Bag & Powder Horn (both with shoulder straps)
As we receive items I'll make sure we let everyone know so that we don't have redundant purchases.
Zoomie, I'm going to request a bit of art from you on this - think of Jefferson nailing a copy of the DoI, Constitution & BoR to a liberty pole in the mood of Restoration. You have mad skillz.
There are many other items that will be worked into the poster that I have already secured, but I'd love help with the above.
The Kentucky rifle & pistols are black powder and can be ordered from any online source and shipped directly to the 527. Shipping BlackPowder arms into Maryland has zero restrictions. I selected Traditions because I think they are the cheapest. But any brand will work, as long as they are Kentucky Model with flintlock and .50 cal. By the way: The prices listed on the Traditions website are much higher than retail across the web.
Most of the list of stuff above has links to the items. With the exception of the Continental Army Coats (which I request be purchased from Fort Laramie Trading Post -They are the best quality/value I have found. There are many inexpensive costume coats out there that simply are not sufficient quality for this project) the other items can be purchased wherever you can find/negotiate the best price.
NOTE: If you own a good quality coat you are willing to donate, ignore the Fort Laramie requirement - the only thing I am trying to avoid is cheapie costumes that come from halloween-type shops.
Let me know if you can help, and let me know if you want public recognition. I know many of you prefer to stay under the radar on such things.
Ship to Address:
America 527
c/o Holly Kerodin
105 Meem Avenue
Gaithersburg, MD 20877

Let me know specifically what you need and your thoughts for the image via e-mail.
ReplyDeleteYou may be over-estimating my skills, but I'll see what I can whip up.
I love a good blow back.
Hell...who doesn't?
What is the goal of using the costuming and accutrements? Authenticity of? If you are attempting to create an image of a Continental Soldier then the Traditions would be incorrect. You would need a Charliville (sp) or "Brown Bess" musket (or a Pennsylvania Rifle). If we are going to poke the bear we should try to be accurate, otherwise we will just look silly and incompetent. If A full proper uniform or militia representation is what is wanted I am sure you have those reenactors available in your AO. They may not have stuff to donate but may beable to assist you in obtaining or borrowing the proper stuff.
The goal is to mix RevWarI gear (limited items) with RevWarIII gear (limited items) to make the general point that the answer to 1984/2012 is 1775.
ReplyDeleteThe Kentucky Rifle is accurate for the time: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_rifle
There were many long rifles in use, and the nickname "Kentucky Rifle" was often used.
I've reached out to a few re-enactors, no luck as yet. The reason I am asking for donations is because we want to use the items for part of the tour of gun shows, so I can't promise to return items to folks.
Sounds good, I don't want us to do something and look stupid.
DeleteFYI, the term Kuntucky Long Rifle was not used until the war of 1812. at the time of the Rev War Kuntucky was just becoming the domain of the Long Hunter. Daniel Boone was just exploring that area in about 1775.
Oh I'm liking this : ) It's a modern "broadside" or "broadbill". Dammit I need to get into a truck and make some cash so I can kick in for things like this. One more month to get everything squared away...
ReplyDelete(Resending this because e-mail is FUBAR and they are getting kicked back)
I am not artistic enough to draw something from a blank palette, and I normally work from an existing photo or other real object and photoshop the fuck out of it.
I put these together in less than a couple of hours after work. Not sure what you're looking for, but I can change colors, text, etc.
I also have an M-14 bayonet I can use if you wanna go a little more modern!
I can convert the images to different file types: jpeg, bmp, png, for whatever your needs are. I like to start with a bmp image and mess with it until I'm satisfied, and then convert the entire mess into png because it is usually easy to e-mail and you don't lose crispness due to compression like with a jpeg.
Let me know what you think, and feel free to make suggestions.
Just remember, my freehand drawing/painting skills are nil, but I can cook up some shit using photos or scanned images of real objects.
Also, I'll need to know the approximate dimensions you need of the finished piece.
ReplyDeleteCould you show a picture of the Tomahawk you need.
Added one more at my place.
ReplyDeleteLet me run this up the flagpole,A modern day minute man for branding the ladies to us.Sex sells is a 2 way street.I have noticed a lack of female patriots round here.And I nominate the guy in the tee shirt over 2 Walter Zommies place.The gut the carp T . Make him eye candy for the ladies.Or any young stud,they all look alike 2 me.My 2 worthless cents.
ReplyDeleteSteiner: That carp-gutting dude wearing the T-shirt at my place is a generic model from the Zazzle shirt site, and I highly doubt Zazzle will want to get involved!
ReplyDeleteHowever, I have two teen-aged sons, who, I must admit, are good looking young men...(they got it from their mother)...both high school varsity swimmers.
I could put either of them, or my teen daughter's beau(also a varsity swimmer), in a set of my old USMC cammies and put a weapon of some sort in their hands and try to take some "beef-cake" shots.
Just some ideas, but I gotta do more work on my "scarey" shit for Sam first.
@ steiner, you might be underestimating how many woman are in the Patriot movement. I know I read and listen more than I comment because it is male dominated. Besides, you're forgetting that men respond to the eye candy, women respond to action, ;)
ReplyDeleteAt K, seeing as my email bounced back to me concerning donating a hatchet and now you don't need one, I have another idea. I can't afford to buy a 199.00 coat, but I will donate 50 worthless us dollars towards one if other Patriots want to go in with me. LMK. Also, I think if the hatchets you got are new you need to age the handles, make them look well used. ;)
Miss Violet
Miss Violet: Hold off on a donation/coat thing for a bit. I'm waiting for a response from TL about a possible radio ad buy for his PatCom, so I may be asking for a special fund for that, if he thinks it'll help by running an ad in the area of his PatCom.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the support you have given, it has been significant.
Go swimmers,bet they get a laugh out of it., Action!!! If I do not do something I will have to quit thinking so highly of myself.Have no idea what,when or how.To stand and do nothing is cowardice in my mind,but I have always been crazy.