Jeff Cooper's Scout Rifle concept is worthy of being the one rifle every Patriot should own.
The Steyr SSG-08 pictured above is a very expensive and, if you ask me, the highest quality version of that concept. I have spoken with the gunsmiths at Steyr in the past, and they will even build your SSG-08 with a 16-inch barrel if you ask. The folding pistol-grip stock assembly, in an urban SHTF scenario, will prove priceless.
Ruger's new version is probably worthy of the Ruger name - which is a damned fine name, and available to many more Patriots because of the price. In my mis-spent past I have owned several Rugers, and shot several more. I have never held a poor-quality Ruger in my hands. They just do not make a bad firearm. And they do it in a price-range that is more than fair.

And to this end, Steyr is offering The Art of the Rifle by Jeff Cooper in the original hardback.

The link is below.
America 527 has a copy that it will give away to one person who contributes at least $10 during the month of March. Yes, everyone who contributes will get a III Patch as well. Then on the 2nd of April Mrs. Kerodin will put the name of all of the March donors in a hat and pull one name. That person will get a hardback copy of the book. Of course, you folks who are on automated contributions are in the running for everything the 527 ever offers, no matter the buy-in. You folks never have to pony up more.
The Donate button is on the right, and the mailing address is at America527.org on the Contact page - make payable to: America 527.
You can also buy a copy from Steyr at this link.
If you have not read it, and everything else you can get your hands on by Col. Cooper, your training is not complete.
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