Their legislators are considering what to do in the case of a loss of FedGov.
Wyoming is one of the few states I have never visited. Does anyone reading this blog live there (or lived there) who can give me your thoughts?
Here's the link.
I understand that Wyoming has the cheapest gas prices in the country, currently around $2.50/gal and is consistently so. What i don't understand is how this is possible considering the logistical footprint? WTF
ReplyDeleteNo, but I've been through there camping many times and it was delightful.
ReplyDeleteThis is a great guy. Maybe not a 3per, but freedom loving for sure, and in the neighborhood. Send him an email, he is good about getting back to you. Tell him Toaster 802 from Green Mountains Homesteading sent yah.
My husband was born and raised there and I lived there 18 years...what do you want to know K?
ReplyDeleteMiss Violet
The few things I do know about Wyoming are specific locations. Laramie for one, the other Thermopolis. Especially the latter. Lots of hot springs there and the option of using them for alternative energy on a private scale intrigued me. Also little to no building code in the area last I checked. Land was a bit on the high side for my tastes but not undoable for those so inclined.
ReplyDeleteThe other downside is the weather. Not real sure I want to live in a place where people park their snowmobiles on the roof of the house so that they can dig out to go to town in the dead of winter. Brrrrr. I am very much a desert person in that regard.
ReplyDeleteThere is very little tax on gas, when we lived there it was only 3 cents on a gallon. The oil is in state and a lot of it is on state land. There are also refineries in Casper, Cowley and Rock Springs, and there used to be one in Laurel, Mt.,I don't remember if it is still open, (I'll have to look when we make a trip to see the relatives) which is just se of Billings.
Miss Violet
Wyoming doesn't tack a lot of state tax to it's gas. It also has refiners. Several western states are looking at accepting PMs as legal tender. I believe Utah is the only one that has actually passed a state law.
ReplyDeleteI like Idaho as we have a lot of natural resourses. Farming mining and forests as well as many rivers for Hydro and a port to the pacific. Our big weakness is Petroleum. Also we have some impressive natural borders. Wyoming is a little to open and flat for me.
"implement its own military draft, raise a standing army, and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier."
ReplyDeleteI thought it was a great idea up until the draft part. And an aircraft carrier? Have they seen a map?
We try to spend the 4th there every year, and when we do, it FEELS LIKE AMERICA. Alot of "intangibles", but two obvious things come to mind: Fireworks of all kinds are still legal - if you want to put your eye out with a roman candle, thats your right. In the Denver area where I live, SPARKLERS are outlawed! 2)When you go through the drive-up window at the fast food joint, a middle aged, AMERICAN, ENGLISH SPEAKING house wife takes your order and gives you your change and food! Like opinionated, racist, gun loving, God fearing me, she's doing the work Americans wont do every day - and appreciating the opportunity. Id be there tomorrow if the damned wind wouldnt blow me clear into Nebraska. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteSpud in CO
I just took a trip through Wyoming, looking for a location to move to. The tax structure in WY is one of the best in the country, with no personal income tax, and VERY good tax incentives (like very low to almost no taxes) for corporations who wish to do business there.
ReplyDeleteTax Benefits
No state income tax
NO franchise tax
NO inventory tax
NO gross receipts tax
NO corporate tax
NO tax on goods in transit
NO tax on intangibles
4% sales tax
Low property tax
They want to encourage small business growth there. We were told that the state gets much of its money from vehicle registrations, so they are more expensive than in some other states (like the very cheap DMV fees in Oregon, where we are from), but still cheaper than places like NY, WA, MA, etc..
WY's gas is not quite that cheap. We traveled the state from Evanston (on the SW border) all the way through and into Billings, MT, with a side trip over to Cody. The cheapest we found it was $2.95, but most places the cheapest was $3.07. I believe it has probably gone up a bit with the last jump that prices have taken since we got back to Southern Utah on Friday (where prices have risen in the last week - cheapest we found here is $3.19)
Land is cheaper than most other parts of the country, although some is still very expensive, as you get closer to Jackson, Yellowstone, etc. The windy eastern part of the state is probably the least expensive.
Wide open spaces, a lot of beautiful rural land, some incredible mountain scenery. Thermopolis is a small town in the center of the state with the world's largest natural hot springs, made into a park (there are several concessions which charge to use their facilities there, but the state runs a free natural pool available to everyone).
The people my wife and I spoke to in the county offices at Thermopolis were very helpful and friendly. To become a resident you get a physical address and then register to vote. You have 120 days to register your vehicle and get your driver's license at that point. As full-time RVers, we were told that we could use the address of the RV park we choose to stay at for our physical address (if we decide to stay, we will either rent some property or buy some land).
Wyoming does NOT have Vermont-style concealed carry. If you are a resident you can cary without a permit, but you have to be a resident. Otherwise, you need a permit from a state that they honor (all states that honor their permit:http://www.handgunlaw.us/states/wyoming.pdf).
We will be moving there ourselves next month.
Ms. Violet,
ReplyDeleteYes, the refinery in Laurel is still running. Just drove through there last Friday on our way back from Billings.
One of the big reasons that taxes are low there is because all those evil (joking of course) oil companies pay some big money to the state in taxes to do what they do. When I was growing up and going to school there the schools were third in the country, why? Oil money payed for them. Also I never realized what great roads they had there until I moved out of state, why? Oil money payed for them.
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot of oil there. My husband's uncle was a tool pusher for four oil rigs back in the 80's and he told us for every three oil wells drilled that were viable wells, the feds made them cap one and claim it was dry.
Yeah, the weather is intense. Some deep cold that slides down from Alaska off of the eastern side of the Rockies, depending where you are, you can have a lot of snow and/or wind. The Big Horn Basin can have minimal snow, but it is COLD! Casper, the wind NEVER stops blowing, ever. After June, the summer is hot and dry, and usually that goes into Sept. You have to remember most of the state is high desert. Thermop, it can be down below 0, in the minus digits for weeks at a time in the winter. Gillette, well, you get it all there.
The country mostly is open. You might think it's flat, but it's not. There are all kinds of hidey holes out there, Mother Nature's spider holes, if you will. Not many trees, except cottonwoods along creeks. Around Jackson there are a lot of trees. The Rich moved in there long ago and took over. No working man can afford that country. Same to some degree of Sheridan. It would be the same on the Big Horn Mts., but it's national park. There are private cabins up there that have had 100 year leases, you could will the leases to your kids, but I heard the feds have decided not to renew any of the leases from now on.
The people are like any where else, the good, the bad, & the stupid. Casper has the most population, with Cheyenne coming in second. For anyone from back east, it will seem like there are no people there, not to mention, just nothing there, period. People pretty much are working people, ranchers, farmers, oil rig workers, coal miners. They will help you, but they expect you to pretty much take care of yourself and yours. They look to the outdoors for their entertainment. When I was in high school our favorite thing to do after school was go hunt rabbits or chukkers. We tubed down the Wind River canyon in the summer. Oh, and guns were no big deal, everyone had them. You always saw a rifle or two in the back window of a pick up cab, so common you never gave it a second thought. I only remember one murder when I lived there, mostly if you have a beef with someone, it'll be settled with fists. Every town had a western wear store, rodeo grounds, and a National Guard Armory. At that time high schools didn't have soccer, they had rodeo though, lol, in fact that's how I met the hubby.
Miss Violet
Thanks to all who offered their insights, and the detail offered by Reg & Miss Violet & Brock from your first-hand experiences.
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I are looking for a place far removed from our life here in the DC area, and Wyoming is in the mix. The only thing it lacks for me is access to open water - I was raised on the Chesapeake. But that is the only drawback I see. We'd probably look toward the mountains for the snow and wildlife.
Wyoming's Firearms Freedom Act is also stronger than that of Montana and other states.
Reg: Good luck with your move, and thanks again to all.
Packing my bags....
ReplyDeleteWyoming sounds good to me. I've been joking for years that I'm ready to move up to the mountains and whittle little Lord Of The Rings figurines and come down once a year to sell them to tourists. I don't think the wife would go for the cold, but I could adapt...first by getting rid of her...then learning how to whittle little Lord Of The Rings figurines!
ReplyDeleteBoysen State Park between Riverton and Thermopolis has a lake (reservoir) about fifteen miles long by about five miles wide at its widest point. Not the Chesapeake, but big enough for sailing and for getting away from people, not that there are any crowds out there to start with. The wind blows, and my wife and I will likely get another daysailer (with a reefing main) if we end up near there - and if the center holds. Check it out on mapquest.
No blue crab, though ;-)
But be prepared...it is not going to be pretty. Unless it is a creek running through the mountains, Wyoming's water usually is rocks and sagebrush right up to the water. If you can live with that you'll be okay. I'm spoiled as I have all of north Idaho to look at, but I admit, I sometimes miss the wide open country, but this is some of the prettiest country I've ever lived in.
ReplyDeleteMiss Violet
Northern Idaho is indeed pretty country, but from what I've heard from folks like William Grigg and others is that law enforcement can be a bit on the nasty side in many parts of Idaho. I had once considered it for a home, but decided Montana and Wyoming _appeared_ to be a little more free, at least as far as the Sheriffs and town cops are concerned, as well as the CCW laws in MT and WY. Due to the great tax structure in Wyo, I've decided to give them a try.
ReplyDeleteI did enjoy Western Montana, though, down around Hamilton and up around Thompson Falls.