Radio: We are live in the Denver/Fort Collins area thanks to the work of a Patriot in that area. Russ at DumpDC is building a spot that we have contracted for the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Another Patriot is considering underwriting a portion of a spot in his AO, and we are looking into Cleveland as suggested by another. The results from Denver are promising. I have high hopes that we will significantly increase our Brand if we can get on air in 5-10 markets.
III Gear: Flags - the folks at the flag company are driving me nucking futs. We placed the order Monday and we still do not have a proof. They sent me one this morning, finally - and it was black on white. They forgot the OD. If they do not get their act straight quickly I intend to post the name of the company so we can all write them a letter.
Patches/Stickers/Shirts/Caps: We've been sending orders since yesterday, and the rest will go out this weekend. I ordered a large batch of patches this time, so if you want one or 5, hit IIIGear.com.
SHTF Firearms & Go Bags: Just rec'd a sweet KA-BAR for the project. Your submissions have been great, keep them coming.
Ours is a small community, and money is tight. But we are investing in Liberty. Every patch, shirt, cap, and flag that goes out the door drops a few bucks into the 527 account. It is not much, but it is something, and it adds up as long as we keep grinding at it and keep growing our community. The more we do, the more we can do.
Yours in Liberty,
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