Counting Coup is the act of physically putting your hand on a mortal enemy and then withdrawing, without getting yourself killed.
It is a Warrior's practice.
Restoration is not a game. If you are not ready to kill or die for Liberty, please leave this site and do not return.
If you are a serious III Patriot and you have prep, you have trained, you have done your best to talk the Enemies of Liberty out of their foolish intent, and you have resigned yourself to the fact that mortal combat will likely come to the republic in your lifetime...consider this call to action to Count Coup.
I am not speaking to keyboard commandoes or surplus store mercenaries who collect gear that they will never use. I am not speaking to those among us who love to dream about glorious battle, yet wet their panties when LEO falls in behind them for a traffic stop, or the 'hardcore' Patriots who talk of killing Stacks, yet have no stomach for even verbal self defense in the digital world.
I am talking to you serious III men and women who have decided that enemy contact is imminent, and the loser will die or go to prison forever.
How are you preparing yourself for the adrenaline dump that will come with your first real contact with the enemy? Driving your elbow into the face of a Bad Guy is not the same as rehearsing it in your mind, or even doing it in a dojo. Pulling the trigger of your handgun on a tactical course and hearing the steel ring out is not the same as double-tapping a Bad Guy. The emotional gulf is so immense you really can not train for it and get close to the reality.
How can you close the gap?
Count Coup.
I offer you this challenge: Consider your AO and give serious thought to ways you can Count Coup as a training exercise. What can you do to cross the threshold from training to low-risk action that will begin to close the gap between the theory and practice of Resistance.
Think about it for a while, plan for it as you would an Op that has life and death potential. Start small and low-risk. Don't start by bitch-slapping a LEO as he eats a donut. Consider something along the lines of a III/Resist sticker on the car or office of a Democrat running for office.
Let your imagination work.
Think about it.
Train now. When it gets real, the margin for error will be merciless.
You mean like when I got a new hide-out holster for my 45 and I went down to the local police station to see just how concealable it really was?
That's a good word
ReplyDeleteGo to your local mall, count LEOs (uniformed or not) follow them around. Get as close as you can (within touching distance). Do it with a team, see how many you can close with. Loser buys the beer, afterwards. Harmless, good practice. Can't be busted for window shopping.lol
ReplyDeleteYou know, not that I engage in vile reprehensible illegal activities, but it seems to me that poaching a deer in city limits would be a good analogy to some wetwork type shit. You have to get the kill quickly and quietly on an alert, rapidly moving target and then dispose of the evidence and disperse. Hell, you could even learn to eat your enemies.
ReplyDeleteIf this is going to be a dirty type ruckus, it seems relevant, on the purely theoretical level. And avoiding the ol' possum sheriff and his lab makes a decent dry run.
There's not much worth saying on this topic - it's not about words, it's about actions; and thus about the internal commitment you must have, to make action possible in the face of insanity.
ReplyDeleteUgly, malignant insanity.
You must carry a piece of death with you; you must make peace with it; give it a place in your mind and in your heart. And you must do it in such a way that you remain sane, and well regulated.
Because the cliff is right there, the gulf which is hungry for your soul, and you must walk right along its edge. Those who have never lived close to death can not understand - it is not rational, it is not civilized, and it cannot 'make sense'. It is experiential - an internal battle against the gross madness of hell arrayed against you, and you alone; it is a madness which repudiates mercy, hope, and every other form of goodness, by it's very existence. And that battle, once you have enjoined it, is never over, unless you surrender. It becomes part of who you are - both in what you can do, and what you cannot. It works a fact upon you, for which their is no name or explanation.
Some, it will own by its madness, and they shall drown in it. Some it will drive into cowardice and retreat - not only from violence, but from all humanity, including their own.
And a few - a very small few - shall find that they can walk that edge, neither retreating from it nor plunging in. What sets them apart, only God knows.
But it does set them apart - they bear an unmistakable mark upon their souls. And if you pay them any attention, there are small tells in their behavior, their language, the simple fact of their existence, which bear witness to what they have endured, and continue to endure.
Know thyself. Only by doing so can you live fully.
If that battle is not for you, then so be it. Who can demand of you what you do not have; but if it is, then yours is heavy burden, and you would be wise to prepare yourself for the moment when you will first face that madness in its full fury. For this, counting coup is most advisable training.
Exactly correct. Whether one is fighting at 1,000 yards or buckle-to-buckle range the fight is rarely against the Enemy - it is you against you.
DeleteI tell my students all the time not to worry about 'winning' or 'losing' against the opponent - win the fight in your chest. If you win that one, you'll usually be fine against the other guy. We all die one day - but 'losing' is never something the other guy is able to impose upon you - only you can 'lose'...
Fact: The further you are from belt-buckle range, the further the scales tip towards the internal battle.
DeleteWith rifles, the battle has near-fully transitioned to an internal one at a range of about 400~450 yards. The only external element left at that range and beyond, comes from only two things: counter-snipers, and aircraft.
But internally, every muscle, every motion, even those of minute reflex, are your enemy: they must be utterly and completely regulated, or your shooting will be inconsistent.
And operationally, your fieldcraft must be consistent and thorough. Further, you must audit yourself for patterns across every element of your operations - from the moment you set out, straight through to exfil, or your enemy will discover said patterns, and be waiting to deal with you when next you deploy.
Suffer weakness to remain in any of these areas of your discipline, and your career as a sniper is likely to be a short one.
90% of those who return from war physically unscathed, do so by luck. The remaining ten percent, do so by skill and unfailing discipline.
Don't be one of the 9 who counted on "luck" to bring them home... develop solid discipline in everything that you do, now, and it will become a habit - maintain that habit long enough, and you will get to a point where you maintain discipline without conscious effort. This is what martial artists call, "Living the Tau" which loosely translates to 'Living the Way' / 'Living the Path'. The practical result is obtaining for yourself a profound level of consistency and skill in the things that you do. And that is a valuable trait, in good times as well as in bad.