Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, January 23, 2012

Whatever you think of Ron Paul...

...his son is not made of the same stuff.


  1. ...his son is not made of the same stuff.

    I don't get it.

  2. Well, yeah, didn't Rand fold and vote Dead Elephant like, the first month of his tenure?

    I heard he stood up to TSA-sort of- today.

    Rather easy when you know you won't go to jail.

    The .gov class is exempt from the abuse you and I must endure.

    His "stand" was showmanship IMO, pure and simple.


  3. AP, Maybe but we gotta start somewhere and with someone. It made a small splash and gets the TSA back on the front page and under..observation again. What ever we need to keep people on target.


  4. Rand Paul has spoken eloquently and hopefully not prophetically on the floor of the Senate about the current regime's threats to civil liberties. He deserves kudos for that. Regarding the TSA and Rand Paul, if the TSA is going to violate my fourth amendment right against unreasonable search, why would they honor the Constitution and its protections to the members of Congress who are in transit to D.C.? This all stinks to high heaven. All of the best men are deeply flawed, so we should support all those who would stand for liberty.

  5. He's better than his father because he's not a total Nut-Job...


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