Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, January 15, 2012

III Patriots: A request

III Patriots: Please consider copying the below request and spreading it to all of the websites you frequent.  If you are a blogger, be sure to add your site to the request.  You can also include our Resist logo and ask them to fly it on their site.

A request to Patriotic Bloggers and Columnists:  Please consider adding IIIPercent.comIIIPercent.blogspot.com and America527.org to your links to help build the Constitutionalist message across the web.  We invite Pro-2A advocates, Libertarians, Secessionists, and anyone who believes in Liberty.  Once you have linked us just send an email and we will add your website to all of our network.

Thank you.


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