Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Delegate Count

You see the trajectory. The Establishment is very experienced at thwarting candidates who represent serious change.

But the truth remains the truth: Even with Thomas Jefferson as President in 2012, the economy will implode and the republic will face existential threats.

Politics matters. Our efforts to grow our Movement matters.

But never stop preps. Never stop training. Never let your guard down.

Here's the WSJ piece on the Delegate count. http://projects.wsj.com/campaign2012/delegates



  1. Application of penalties. What does that mean?
    What am I missing in that statement?


  2. You know, the downside to a President Paul is that they would pin blame on him for sins of the past.


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