Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Building the III Brand

How do we grow our community?

First, we need to recognize that building a political movement with advertising, such as buying ad space in traditional media, simply won't work.  Buying III ads at Stacey McCain's blog isn't going to get it done.  Spending for an ad in WSJ or NYT is wasted money.

Politics is a particularly personal matter, and to build alliances you must go grassroots.

The best way to raise awareness is to wear advertising (hats/shirts/lapel pins/patches), which conveys to people that you are willing to spend your money on the Brand, therefore you are serious.

Just as importantly, contact must be personal.  Think CQB rather than stand-off sniper engagements.  We must be willing to get into the mix and disseminate our message.  Whether at the water cooler at work or in a Tea Party rally with hundreds or thousands of people it is a good idea to give people a business card or some other written media (bookmarks/flyers/etc) so they can return to the topic at their convenience.  Getting yourself on the podium for 5 minutes while wearing your III cap works, too.

Conversations are also good, but time is an issue and you'll rarely win the support of a Patriot in a few minutes.  (You wouldn't be sold in 5 minutes, either) And if you are at a big event, you'll get worn out trying to have the same conversation with 100 people.

Also very effective are efforts online such as going to blogs and simply interacting by leaving thoughtful, reasoned comments (not arguments, derision and snarks) in places where the audience should be filled with our natural allies.  Add III to your signature, and your blog/website, or a link to WRSA.  This is a slower process, but it will yield results.

I've added 2 polls on the right with suggestions for gear.  You can click on more than one.  Let me know what you think will be the most effective use of our resources for spreading the word.

My thoughts: I'd like to see Patriots sporting III caps, patches on gear, and slapping III stickers everywhere (especially at Occupy camps and D hangouts).  Also, I think printing up III business cards or a bookmark (perhaps with the second amendment printed on it) as handouts at political events and gun shows is an inexpensive and effective way to disseminate the message to the widest possible group. 

Think about handing out III business cards (perhaps with links to several of our blogs) at your next gun show and at your gun shops.  Think about handing out bookmarks with the same promotional message at Occupy events, Tea Party gigs and your local Libertarian politicians party.  It allows you to cover a large number of people in a low-pressure manner.

III to Liberty is too long and too expensive to use as a mass-handout.  But, a well-designed booklet with the DoI, Constitution, BoR, and a list of III bullet points and websites might be a good handout in some venues, where a simple business card might be too little.

What are your thoughts?  How do we best use our limited resources to reach the largest number of allies?

Here's a version of the button w/o Resist.



  1. I wear one of my "III" hats (one is OD and one is in Multicam) nearly everyday.

    I have a really good source you could use to produce them (embroidered).

    Lemme know if you want the source. It's not China produced though, so it's a bit more expensive than your normal "zazzle" quality junk. Still totally affordable.

    I wear my hat nearly everyday, including to work and around town.


  2. I can also tell you this, from personal experience.

    Many who would be our brothers have nothing (or little) to do with the internet.

    More traditional ways of reaching these folks are needed.


  3. I never thought about posting III after my name. Didn't figure I've really earned it, since the extent of my success has been to gather a few like-minded people around me. But I'll consider it, for sure.

  4. Anon: The III is not a club with a special handshake or a membership committee - if you would stand on the Green with John Parker, you are III and you don't need anyone's permission.


  5. AP: I agree. That's why advertising via the hats/patches/et cetera works to start conversations. A radio buy on Mark Levin or even Rush has the potential to reach a large number of our allies, but the cost is very high for an effective radio buy.

    Grassroots is outstanding, because our best Ambassadors are our own folks.

    You sent me your hat maker, I think - that's the one that had health issues for a while, right?


  6. Yep. That's the one. Long wait at the time (due to health issues) but worth it. Her stuff is top notch.


  7. I have to admit that I do like that new design.

  8. I picked radio advertisement. Yes...it is probably the most expensive, but also probably the most effective. Sirius/XM Patriot reaches a lot of like-minded people and they replay many of their most popular shows...Mike Church, the Wilkow Majority...


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