Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Patriot Gear & the Fight for Virginia

That's Lauren.  She is one of the models working on a Go Bag project we have in the queue.

The knife below is a Benchmade 530, designed by Mel Pardue.  The folks at Benchmade provided it for the project.  We've completed the photoshoot for the blade and the evaluation, and we have found the blade to be an excellent choice for general carry as a CQB piece.

It is featherweight and well-built, strong, the blade razor sharp and easy to open & close with a single hand.  The clip is positive and will keep the knife where you choose to carry.  At 3.25" the blade is up to the task of saving your life.

We are giving this knife away to one person who contributes $20 or more between now and Jan. 2 to America 527, to help with our efforts in Virginia. (You'll also get a III Patch) Also: If you purchase a dozen or more III to Liberty books (here) for your local distribution, you'll be in the mix for the knife.

As you know by now, Virginia is only permitting Ron Paul and Mitt Romney on the GOP primary ballot.  This is the opportunity for which Ron Paul fans, and lovers of Liberty, have been waiting.  The Delegates in Virginia could be enough to push the winning GOP candidate into the nomination!

So, help us by dropping $20 (or more if you can afford it) at the Contribute Button in the upper-right corner and you'll be helping us in the fight for Liberty in Virginia, and you'll be in the running for the Benchmade!

Or, you can click here for the link to America527.


Update on patches: We expect them in our shop early next week.  They'll turn around and head for those who have contributed the same day we get them in.  K


  1. Good deal. Still waiting for my second batch to sale, otherwise I would.

  2. Nice work and generous to give the blade away. I didn't give to get anything but that makes a nice prize.


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