Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, December 30, 2011

Mitt: The new Annointed One

It's already over, so the pundits tell us.  Mitt has won, so everyone else should just go home now and save the effort.

Ann Coulter has been telling us for more than a month that Mitt is the only chance we have of beating President Obama.  Of course, I am not part of Ann's 'We'.

Interesting that most pundits will agree that the best way to clinch a nomination quickly is a one-two punch in Iowa and New Hampshire, which vote one week apart.

The interesting thing is that Ron Paul currently has the lead in Iowa, depending on the poll, or second place.  And while Conventional Wisdom has Mitt in a landslide in New Hampshire, second place looks like it is Ron Paul's to lose.  Conventional Wisdom, of course, isn't.

It looks to me as if the opening bell has not yet rung, and the heir to the Throne has looked into the ring and seen a 76 year old Texan that he would rather not fight...

Here's a piece from NH.


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