Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Militant LEO: No worries, move along Citizens...

The new weaponry and battle gear, they insist, helps save lives in the face of such threats. “I don’t see us as militarizing police; I see us as keeping abreast with society,” former Los Angeles Police chief William Bratton says. “And we are a gun-crazy society.”

What do you do when you are one person, part of a very tiny minority, who understands that the world is hurtling toward ruin and savage conflict?

You know what is coming.  But those around you do not care, or do not want to care.

Here is the story about militarization of local LEO.

But what good are we doing, swapping these stories amongst our own?


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