Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, December 19, 2011

Media Games

Ron Paul is strong in Iowa.

The story linked below claims Newt is plummeting.

Do you see the hand of the media in this story, trying to craft their Destiny? 

To the majority of America Ron Paul is an old loon.  To most of America Newt is a dangerous, warmongering nerd who is very smart but can't stay married to one woman.

To the Left a knock-down battle between Paul & Gingrich is good for President Obama.  If they bloody one another and either is nominated, the Left is certain they will take 2012 (at least the Oval Office).

The Left is genuinely afraid of a nominee Romney.  He can actually beat the President, because they stand on much of the same ground.

Can Newt or Ron Paul win?  Sure.  Either one can take the Oval Office, if a few stars align.

But beware of stories like the one below, that want a bloody nomination process.

Here is the link.


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