Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, December 30, 2011

Bachmann: My first 100 days...

She has written an op-ed that says many of the right things, here.

How might she evolve with 4 or 8 years as VP to a President Paul?

Could she recover from her neo-con mistakes (PATRIOT) sufficiently to become a good President?  Would she learn to read the Constitution as written and intended sitting second chair for a term or two?

I have been to two events when she spoke, and I found her charming, sincere, and not afraid to look anyone in the eye.  Even with her weaknesses, I am convinced she'd be a better President than Mitt.  And her first 100 days plan promises far more than Mitt, Newt and the others (except Paul) have dared.

Here's her op-ed.



  1. I don't see how you can go on and on about how to "treat" enemies of the Republic and about what to do with politicians who choose to ignore the Constitution and then say what you say about Bachmann. She has so many views that are in direct conflict with the afore mentioned document. She's a bought dog for our largest foreign threat, Israel.

  2. Anon: It is pure pragmatism.

    Until you or some other better candidate chooses to stand up in the political realm, or we devolve into a hot conflict, we have to do the best we can with what tools we have on hand.

    You say she is bought and paid for by Israel. I disagree. Just looking at her op-ed there are only two conclusions to be drawn: 1) She knows the issues and is just throwing words out there in an attempt to pander, or 2) She has a baseline instinct about what is genuinely Constitutional and what is not. (Choosing that path is another matter)

    We have a job to do: Restoration.

    I'd prefer to have the precise tools needed, but if I have to go under the hood with only an adjustable wrench, duct tape and a screwdriver, so be it.

    Back to my original point: Why is it we have so many strident Constitutionalists in our community, and not one is willing to run for even Sheriff, much less the House? How many of you are unemployed or under-employed? How many of you could do at least as good as Ron Paul?

    It's easier to stay in one's comfort zone than take a risk...which is exactly why we are having these discussions.

    Our side won't even run for city dog catcher, but we'll point out every pimple on everyone who does while sitting in moral judgment, and we want to think we'll engage Bad People in hot conflict?


  3. I also saw the other day she said that Ron Paul was a "threat",or something along that line,to our country.

    WTF? Really?


  4. She did, and I chalk that one up to silly-season politics. We'll never really know about any of these people until they are put to the test.

    But any candidate who says they'll shut down EPA, DoE (Energy and Education), et cetera, is starting to sing the proper song, even if they are only doing it out of self-interest.

    Example: I'd have no problem with any politician who goes into the White House and faithfully adheres to the Constitutional limits of the Executive - and I would not care if he calls himself a D, R or refugee from Mars.

    Anyone who goes into the office and begins treating the Constitution with more respect than the Presidents we've had in the last 150 years is an improvement.

    Again, all that being said: I'd rather vote for CA or AP, or CIII or Rich T, Bill Nye, and the list goes on.

    But none of you are running.


  5. Bachmann is another Neocon warmonger. She has thumbed her nose at the Constitution voting for the Patriot Act. She is another career political hack spending years in the Minnesota legislature. Oh and lets not forget she was the most despicable of despicables....an IRS attorney !

    Bachmann is more than willing to waste American blood and what's left of American treasure on unconstitutional wars. She has little regard for American lives.

    How can you even mention Bachmann in the same sentence with Ron Paul ?


  6. BTW....you make some hellacious assumptions that none of us have run for office. Have YOU?

    I've run for two county offices, one county-wide against long-term incumbent, career politicians. I failed both times. I wasted time, money and shoe leather in an effort to fix the corruption in my county. 97% of incumbents get reelected because of the morons known as the electorate. Hell, look at these fools in Kaleefornyia....the just put one of the most leftist statists BACK in the governor's mansion.

    No. The ballot box and having one's name on it will you no where.


  7. I agree Mr. Kerodin to a point.....Mrs., Bachmann amny times has had the oportunity to speak to us from the heart, but she has chosen to go with the standard talking "points." To many times I have seen her on the BOOB tube and she just folllows the standartd talkin BS. I agree she is a step asbove Mittuns or Herr Newt, but until she can awaken the sheeple with her heartfelt speech, she is only a typical TPTB.....


  8. Well, there is no love here for Mrs. Bachmann.

    Too bad for her.

    I hope our field of candidates improves, for even if Ron Paul were to succeed and clinch the nomination, his choice of VP will be difficult and critical.

    While I agree with most here that Ron Paul is the best of the field, let us not forget that he is not perfect, particularly when it comes to 2A.

    Dan: I think you mentioned before you had run, and the toll it takes. I get it. Anyone who holds our ideals will be brutalized. But, I made no assumptions - none from our Community are running on a ballot I get to cast.

    I have, in fact, considered running. I still consider it from time to time, just to make a point. But I have a few electability issues.

    But I have mapped out a run for office as a means to make a few points on principle. The most practical office I would consider is an mid-term election (2014).

    I have hesitated for two significant reasons: My wife is not amused at the idea of taking such a public ass whippin' when the effort is futile. She knows where I keep my blades, and she knows how to use them, so I take her counsel seriously.

    Second: Any such effort takes more cash than I have, and I have not been able to square accepting money from supporters in an effort that would have no real chance of succeeding, except to make a point about principles in the public square.

    Even if I ran for the House and won, they would probably never seat me. Other offices hold potential, though, and I have not ruled it out.

    Here is a question for the entire community: If Bachmann is a no-go for VP, who would be an acceptable choice to run with Ron Paul? Keep it in the realm of practical and realistic - someone who would help him win.


  9. At this point speculating on a Paul VP is not a concern. A bigger concern for me is why Paul has not gone after the illegal Indonesian sitting in the West Wing. obama IS NOT a natural born citizen and Paul tbe most Constitutional candidate has ignored that. Can we truly trust Ron Paul. Ultimately he is little better than the rest. BTW....is there any real proof of obama taking the oath of office? Me thinks not.


  10. Why would he go after Obama for not being a legal resident? The media has established the (I suspect) false premise that anyone who questions the birth certificate is a crank and will be ready to unleash everything they've got against a candidate who brings it up. Besides, Obama is doing a fair job imploding his own credibility without going after the birth cert. If you go after it now, you can shift the focus off the absolute clusterf$%* that the rest of his administration has been and that can only be a positive move for the wrong side.


  11. Anon-2: I never wrote about the obama B-Cert. obama does NOT meet Constitutional requirements to be "natural born". He should have never been aeated. Further he was involved ever vetted as Pelosi was required to do. I suggest you make comments after you've done some research. obama is not legitimate and those members of Congress who have not called for the illegal Indonesians removal are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors themselves. Do yourself a favor. Research natural born before you put words in my mouth.


  12. I understand that and agree with you Dan. But the media cast things as they want, not as truth. If you bring up the very clear and constitutional concern that Obama is not a natural born citizen, the media will still slant it as if you are a birther. I believe this meme was intentionally established with malice aforethought. I agree that they are criminals, but they are out of our reach for the moment. Allied forces in Africa didn't worry about Hitler - they worried about Rommel. We must do the same, for the time being.

    Slanted and deceptive media coverage is something that Team Freedom is going to have to figure out how to deal with more effectively. I'm not sure what the way forward is, but we've got to figure something out. As it is, we seem to be mostly spending a lot of effort trying to beat them at their own game.

    Kerodin, any thoughts?

  13. My position on the birth certificate issue is: It sucks, but that ship has sailed in terms of immediate political value. We need to focus on actionable realities.

    That said: Nothing precludes a trial for Treason for usurping the Constitution.

    Anon says it perfectly: Rommel is our issue right now.



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