Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, November 12, 2011

White House: Brace for Impact

The White House is getting out in front of more bad news that will likely prove that Solyndra was merely the tip of the iceberg in the genuine scandal of political payoffs through the DoE.

And they have already telegraphed that Steven Chu will be the guy under the bus.

This is the story that will reveal to the electorate just how corruptly our current administration behaves, and it will play out during the spring & summer of the campaign.  Look for the Occupy protests to be violent in direct proportion to the risk President Obama faces of loss.

The lower the President sinks in the polls, the more violent and desperate the Occupy Useful Idiots will behave. 

This is how politics work in Third World countries...

Here's the story.


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