Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Any Patriot who accepts such treatment from any Enemy of Liberty who strides with such arrogant confidence that he fears absolutely no retribution will be immediately expected to surrender your Patriot certification.

Here's the link.



  1. That thug ought to get a psych. exam.

    The guy is a load of excrement, steaming hot excrement!!

    One of these days it's gonna go bad. Their going to mess with the wrong dude.


  2. Fortunately those pictured probably do not represent "Patriots". More likely they represent marxists who have been trained all their lives to submit to authority even as they are tortured and disposed of.

  3. I would say no need for a psych exam...this is IT. So many videos, so many coppers like this. Clearly shows me the Psychopaths in Blue.

    AND the thug's boss defended him in the media. Another one to go on a patriots list somewhere.

  4. Fat, ugly, arrogant POS.

  5. As much as I have learned from OWS themselves to have a certain disdain for them, the first amendment has no dis-qualifiers as long as one is peacefully assembling. Also, looking at the Declaration of Independence: ...it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government... no dis-qualifiers there either. As much as patriots and otherwise may not like these people, they have a right to exercise their rights just as much as we do.

    Of course, there is always civil war and/or counter-revolution.

  6. Curtis - have you explained to your Occupy contacts that 2A prevents this?


  7. ...even an Occupy guy with his own cannister...


  8. I fully agree. The cop was way out of line.

    Another OWSer was arrested for simply possessing a handgun, having committed no crime with it. http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/party_over_but_more_occupy_arrests_2Ouk2G4BfhM3YnQo5lLuMM


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