Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Occupy San Diego

I found this over at The Political Jungle, Jenn's Place.

You'll note the punk who flips the finger into the lens, and of course the Princess at the end...

I have noted one very consistent trait in those who speak for Occupy: They all behave and run their mouths like people who have never tasted a backfist.

This will change.

Here's the link to Jenn's Place. 

Patriots: Please consider this post from March, here.  Just think - if you had taken my advice and started your Krav studies when I posted this originally...

Consider these thoughts from AP.  He's 100% correct: We know how to win this war for Liberty.  Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.  Stop learning what you already know.



  1. "This will change."

    Will it?


  2. Of course it will.

    The only Constant is Change.


  3. "I have noted one very consistent trait in those who speak for Occupy: They all behave and run their mouths like people who have never tasted a backfist."


    I don't always agree with Adam Kokesh and some of the stuff he does, but he has gargantuan balls and the patience of Job. I like his style.

    In this video, check out the hippie/commie dude who tries to prevent Kokesh from filming.


    I found myself wanting to kick hippie dude's face in as I watched.

    The hippie's smarmy, pussified attitude is exactly as you say, Sam.

    He ain't never tasted a knuckle sammich in his life, and has probably always had mommy and daddy lawyer up in any confrontation.


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