Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, November 14, 2011

More: Good for me, not for thee...

Curtis has more about our fine, upstanding Congressmen and their insider trading.

Remember: The system is not the problem, it's the people in the system who choose to do bad things.

I can prove my point, easily.  If "the system" or "the government" were corrupt, every individual within would act corruptly.

Would YOU go to Washington and take advantage of insider information?  Would you diddle interns?  Would you swap spit with Banksters?

The answer is no.  Thus, I conclude that the system is not the problem - it is the people we permit to be within the system that are the problem.

Let's get that herd of genetic garbage on the run, out of our country.

Post is here.



  1. Another perspective; it's the people who find no reverence in being upright and elect these herds of genetic animals into office for their own self interest.

    We have 50% of the electorate wanting something for nothing, the rest are left arguing about shit that only lends itself to the empowerment of the 50% who are galvanized to get sugar daddy back in office.

    I'm going to carry out the experiment of the Republic and do my duty to vote. In my gut I think it is futile but until I'm willing to take the next step I'll vote.


  2. Mozart: Absolutely right - the FSA is a major part of the problem. They must be part of that large herd that we get moving out of our way.

    It's a daunting challenge - how many FSA votes are there for every man & woman who prefers to work for a living and avoid handouts? And most government employees are FSA - they earn paychecks without producing a single good or service of monetary value.

    But simple economic arithmetic is going to vote on this problem, even if nothing else happens. We are at a 50/50 split today. At 50.1% FSA versus 49.9% producers, the system grinds to a halt. We are currently in that grinding phase, I think.


  3. I do agree that these people are the problem.

    I also think that a system of laws that allows for corruption to go unpunished is flawed as well.

    You cannot legislate morality, but that has nothing to do with (not) punishing corruption. If the system or government were uncorrupted, these acts would go unpunished.

    People corrupt systems and governments, and governments/systems corrupt provide the reward (and lack of negative stimulus) for people to continue with their corrupt acts. I don't know that either works in a vacuum.

    But yeah, a few dirtbags suffering publicized justice -screw the judges and courts-, a few people being made examples of, and BAM!

    Now you have negative stimulus. Provided outside of the system.

    Why must this negative stimulus come from outside the system? Because the system is corrupted enough to protect criminals.

    Insider trading is legal. Thus, the system/government -which is a collection of individuals- protects and condones it in the case of certain government officials.

  4. Negative stimulus from outside the system was anticipated by the Founders, and they wrote in the mechanisms we'd need when our politicians would ...render themselves obnoxious...

    Remember your Jefferson: God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion...

    The problem is that for generations our fathers and grandfathers permitted the obnoxious to nest in seats of power and multiply. We are in exactly the same position outside of Government with the FSA - we have permitted bad behavior for so long that the bad now outnumber the good. Parasitic vermin multiply rapidly and work together to remain strong.

    Bad people who use Government or Law to protect other bad people is the fault of the bad people, and nothing else.

    "The system" and "the Government", if used as directed and as ratified under the Constitution, can be no more inherently corrupt than the concept of Liberty itself.

    This is exactly the same argument 2A advocates make (and rightly so): The pistol never killed anyone - it's the man who pulled the trigger who did good or evil. Government or the "system" is no more responsible for mal-use than is the pistol.

    Government is a tool, and nothing more. How that tool is used is up to the people who use it.

    We are up to our eyeballs in alligators today because those before us never did routine maintenance on the swamp...

    No government, especially a republic founded upon the concept of personal liberty, can be set to autopilot and forgotten.


  5. Not sure the moral of the story. Which came first the chicken or the egg. Man is flawed, government comes from man therefore it is flawed.

    We were given a shot at a Republic. And....we screwed the pooch.... period. Not sure who to blame but I'm sure there is plenty to go around, point is every once in a while you gotta try again. Something about... the blood of tyrants and liberty.

    " The problem is that for generations our fathers and grandfathers permitted the obnoxious to nest in seats of power and multiply. We are in exactly the same position outside of Government with the FSA - we have permitted bad behavior for so long that the bad now outnumber the good. Parasitic vermin multiply rapidly and work together to remain strong"

    Got that right this is not some anamoly that appeared out of thin air, this is a long time coming. This is real!!

    Ball busting real!



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