Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, November 21, 2011

I have a problem with this...

Watch the lower left corner of the video.

I have little use for stupid, Liberal (sorry for the redundancy) young adults...

...but I have zero use for riot-geared LEO who handle women this way.

Watch LEO: He grabs the hair and throws her into the back ranks of his fellow thugs, then goes for another.

As little as I respect the average Occupy idiot, I have ZERO use for a riot-geared tough guy who grabs women by the hair and slings them to his rear guard.

Patriots: This is preliminary skirmishing, and I think most of us know it.  This is not the day to step from the porch for me.  You do what your conscience demands.

Harden your hearts for the stupid people that must be abused and fed to the maw in this struggle...and take the names of those who do the abuse.

Nature demands balance...



  1. Kerodin

    Agree with your op's
    Networks? Don’t you understand that OpFor WANTS YOU TO NETWORK because they infiltrate almost every single network?

    This is not the day to step off the porch for me.



    Dont shoot till you see the whites of their eyes.


  2. "Patriots: This is preliminary skirmishing, and I think most of us know it. This is not the day to step from the porch for me. You do what your conscience demands."

    Remember that scene in Chronicles of Riddick when Riddick advises his friend to stay out of the way until "it's over"? Guess what, we're not even to the point where the fighter-ships have met in the air yet.


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