Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Monday, October 31, 2011


My sincerest thanks to everyone who has weighed-in over the last few days, the blogs who have linked, and especially those of you who have gone and ordered books to hand out in your AO.

I've tried adding several PayPal widgets that will set a goal and then keep track of actual donations, but Blogger doesn't seem to like it much, so we'll stick with the button.

My wife and I have agreed that we'll take care of getting books into the hands of all 1,557 FFL's and Gun Shops in Virginia if there is enough support through the donate/contribute button.  We'll cover the gas, time, and a few boxes of books, so, if you are in a position to kick-in and help buy a few books, we'll deliver them in person throughout the Commonwealth. (Mrs. Kerodin is a sight to behold when charming the lads behind the counter...)

We have folks working in Florida and Pennsylvania, two more very important Battleground States.  Remember, polygonal Battlespace and every dollar gets work done.

The Nation's Gun Show (in Chantilly) was booked, so we could not get a table.  Turns out they stay booked usually for a year in advance.  We'll look for smaller venues across Virginia for late November and into December for some weekend booths.

For you folks who are contributing, whether cash by the Donate button or by purchasing books directly and taking the time to work your AO - let me know if you think an Honor Board is suitable over on the right side of the blog, a list of those who are contributing.  This is surely not the only way to fight, and most Patriots are on the humble side, so I won't post an Honor Roll without your permission.  But let me know.

Whatever you do, remember the call from Curtis: Show up!


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