Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Union in Attack Mode

SEIU carrying the colors of Communism.

Just outside Birmingham Alabama in Lambertville Michigan it seems a non-Union Electrical Contractor is taking gunfire - literally - in what is presumed to be pressure to unionize.

First: Understand that the Left will begin shooting the moment they determine that the barrel of a gun is the best means to accomplish their goal.

Second: Any local III or Militia in the Lambertville area want to weigh-in to offer security or provide a counterweight to the threat offered by the Union?

Here is the story.



  1. The actual location is in Monroe County, Michigan...

  2. The link was for a story in MI not AL, just fyi.

  3. You're right guys, I saw "MyFoxAL" & made the classic ass(ume) mistake.

    Same call applies: Do we have any III or Militia in the AO who can take point? I have been testing the waters here in the DC area and think there is an opportunity for the III ()particularly) and the broader Patriot Community to show up at flashpoints.


  4. It's hard to look at this story and not think "it's on"; that the war has started. The Free Sh*t Army has gone hot.

  5. It's on already, most just don't know it yet.


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