Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, August 26, 2011


The conventional wisdom here inside the beltway has shifted hard in the last 10 days.  What was considered Mitt's nomination is now considered Rick Perry's to lose.

On the surface Rick Perry looks pretty darned good for the average Conservative.  I've mentioned that fact here before.

Since he appears to be a serious contender I'd ask our Texans to weigh-in on the guy.

He says all the right things regarding 2A, yet in all of his time as Governor of Texas, Open Carry is still not permitted, Concealed Carry requires a license, and Gary Marbut's Firearm Freedom Act has not made it to law in Texas.  Will a President Perry actively and aggressively push to recover lost ground on 2A issues?  Do you see him working to repeal GCA '68 or NFA?  Or, will he meet the Enemies of Liberty in the middle and compromise?

He claims he will work to repeal Obamacare, yet his website declares that he will work to modify Entitlements.  Of course, that means he will not challenge the unconstitutional nature of FDR's injuries to the republic.

Is there any real chance a President Perry will make genuine Constitutionalists happy...or is he simply singing the song that the R base wants to hear?



  1. Perry's own relatives in Texas say he can't be trusted. He pushed the nafta superhighway, the hpv vaccine by Gardasil and ran Al Gore's campaign. Oh and don't forget , he is the annointed boy of the Bilderberg group. Nuff said.

  2. Rick Perry IS NEW WORLD ORDER! Can I make it any clearer than that?
    Yes, If Perry wins the nomination I WILL VOTE FOR OBUMER. Because it would be better to help throw the shit into the fan and let everything go to hell in a hand-basket. And THEN go ahead and start rebuilding a New Republic. Than to have Perry and the Neo-Cons have another spin at the wheel, with a bunch of FEEL-GOOD SOLUTIONS.


  3. P.S. all that Bret said about Perry is true. Plus he had to be Forced with the Threat of Vigilante Violence on the boarder if He would not send in the Texas State Guard to Secure the Boarder.


  4. Perry is a true RINO. He talks a mean game, but at every turn he goes limp dick. Perry is a tool.
    Check his record as govenor, he even signed a bill to pay for college education for undocumented aliens. His corruption index has more hands on it than a $5 crack whore.

  5. Obama with an (R) behind his name. Three years ago we had a candidate who told the people what they wanted to hear. I would say that hasn't turned out so well. Doing the same with a Republican candidate who is operating off the same playbook won't change a thing. (I'm not a Texan)

  6. No one will make the constitutionalists happy. Jefferson and Madison wouldn't make them happy.

    Perry is the best of the bad lot. He will repeal obamacare, move 9th and 10th issues forward, and de facto move the 2nd back by neutering the ATF.

    He's done a lot more for Texas by setting the priorities for enforcement than by passing laws. We don't pass a lot of laws in Texas in the first place. We only let our congress meet for a few weeks every two years, after all.

  7. Perry is just plain evil. A wolf in sheep's clothing. When he is elected, the "conservatives" will put their head's back up their asses like they did with both of the Bush's.

    The way the media is handling Ron Paul is a true indicator to me that he is the one to vote for.

  8. Sam-Here's my take on Perry.


  9. Thank you, folks. Those of you who have lived with the guy as Governor know him better than the rest of us.

    He sounds like just another Politician who will say whatever it takes for the nomination, then run back to the middle.

    We simply can not survive another one of these politicians.


  10. Keynesian. Statist. Establishment wolf in Tea Party "secessionist" sheep's clothing. NAFTA loving TransTexas corridor BS is his.

    Debra Medina was the real deal in TX. Character assasination by Glenn Beck for Rick Perry killed her surge during the GOP primary. She was on the verge of knocking out Kay Baily H. and forcing a runoff with Rick, where her information would have finally been noticed by more Texans.

    Ron Paul only candidate for Constitutionalists.

  11. As a Texan, I am not excited about Rick Perry. I didn't vote for him for Governor this last time around and I sure as hell don't want to vote for him for President. The list of questionable things around him is too long.

    He takes credit for the state of the State's economy, but I'm not convinced that he, as Governor, did anything to make that happen. The Governorship is largely a ceremonial position. The real work is done by the Lieutenant Governor, who is elected separately.

    The HPV mandate is one questionable act. Granted, under a Federal system, a State could mandate something like that. Could not should. This is why I am equally un-enthused about Romney. Could Massachusetts do what it did in instituting Romneycare? Yes. Should it have done it? No. Such action betrays a fundamental error regarding the proper scope and purpose of government.

    There is the whiff of corruption around his Emerging Technology Fund - a few of his donors got big grants and then went bankrupt within a couple of years. Most new businesses fail, so having some ETF recipients go toes up isn't the issue. However, some of those donor/grant recipients paid themselves to the tune of six figures to run businesses that would ultimately fail. An honest businessman doesn't do that sort of thing.

    Most importantly to me, he didn't stand up for Texas against the TSA. His role in the TSA bill was passive. If he, as the Governor, couldn't be bothered to speak up publicly for Texans after FedGov threatened to shutter our airports, then all of his States' rights talk is bluster. He didn't even have to take point - Dan Patrick and David Simpson did that, twice. Perry had to be petitioned to add the bill to the call for the special session. He added it, sure, but then what?

    Rick Perry, like "Shrub" before him, is all hat, no cattle. My conundrum, this time around, is not whom to vote for, but whether to vote at all.


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