My readers know that I do not buy into conspiracy theories.
Many of us have serious reservations about the Op that supposedly took out OBL by SEAL 6.
And now...those members of SEAL 6 are dead. Many first-hand witnesses are dead.
Just sayin'.
Here is the story.
On Ann Barnhardt's site this morning, the first 5 articles brings out a lot of details:
And read all of the links. Makes for quite an eye opener.
Well if I was a person of power and wealth one of the last group of people I would screw with and cause harm to would be Seals, Rangers or any kind of Special Ops type of folks. Unless you could eliminate them all at one time, I believe that if word got out to the group as a whole that you were out to do them harm then your days of power and wealth and those you associated with are numbered.