Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, August 26, 2011

Race War Suckers

It seems obvious that the Left is seeking violence to break out in America along racial lines: A Race War.

The Elites have no illusions that the Black population would win any such Ruckus, the intent is to use the Ruckus as an excuse for FedGov to enter the fray and impose their true will.


As reported here previously, African-Americans are hardly underrepresented in the U.S. government.
Though only 12 percent to 13 percent of the U.S. population, blacks hold 18 percent of all federal jobs. African-Americans are 25 percent of the employees at Treasury and Veterans Affairs, 31 percent of State Department employees, 37 percent of the Department of Education, 38 percent of Housing and Urban Development. They are 42 percent of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp., 55 percent of the Government Printing Office, 82 percent of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency.
According to The Washington Post, blacks hold 44 percent of the jobs at Fannie Mae and 50 percent of the jobs at Freddie Mac.  ~  Pat Buchanan

It is obvious that Federal Employment is simply another form of welfare and another group of guaranteed votes.

How to fix the overwhelming number of perversions that have become institutionalized within our system...read and apply the Constitution as ratified.

Do not fall for the bait of a race war.  If you ever decide to fight on behalf of the Constitution, be certain to target the true Enemies of Liberty.



  1. The enemies of liberty may only be accessible after wading through their defenders.


  2. "Do not fall for the bait of a race war. If you ever decide to fight on behalf of the Constitution, be certain to target the true Enemies of Liberty".

    The above named agencies sound like good places to start.



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