Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Judge

I wrote the following to the Judge:

Judge Napolitano,

I write with the greatest humility, as I consider you to be the most Constitutionally respectful voice in the media.

However, your praise of Dobyns, Dodson & Cefalu in the Project GunWalker story offends my patriotic streak.

I always counsel my audience to examine the premise of any issue, to cut through the spin and base final judgment on the underlying premise.

In this case, sir, your praise of these ATF Agents offends those of us who revere the US Constitution and our Founding Principles.  These Agents chose a career in a Federal Agency with the sole mandate of imprisoning Americans who exercise their inviolate Right as articulated in the Second Amendment.

No matter the role these men played in GunWalker, the fact remains that these men have taken taxpayer money and chosen to enforce unconstitutional laws against their Countrymen.  To this minute, these men still will enforce unconstitutional laws.

Praise is misplaced.  Praise is offensive.

Yours in Liberty, and very respectfully,

Christian Kerodin

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