Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Saturday, July 2, 2011

American Empire

Afghanistan.  Iraq.  Pakistan.  Libya.  Yemen.  Somalia.

Coming soon: Iran.

What do these countries have in common?  American military is killing their Citizens.

Men & women hired by our Countrymen are killing Citizens who have zero realistic chance of hurting you or me.

Shame on us.  Shame on you & me for letting such people remain in power.

Arctic Patriot had yet another flash of brilliance when he wrote over at CA's place: Someone's got to be the idiot...

Indeed.  Someone must be John Parker in our time.  Will he die alone, failing to roust Patriots to the field?  Or will the right person, at the right moment, attack the right target and begin a chain reaction that will bring Patriots to the field across the republic?

I agree with Alan Mullenax who said that it could happen.  But I am not sanguine that it will happen.  If you read this blog or the columns at Kerodin.com, or WRSA, AP's site, or any others in our community, you must realize just how little we have in common with the vast majority of Americans.  Consider the number of unique visitors that visit our community websites every day.  The number is fewer than 10,000.

We are outnumbered by LEO by 80:1.

I do not care about those odds.

What are the numbers of the general populace who would stand against us?  If even 20% of the population is sympathetic to our goal of Restoration, that leaves 240,000,000 Citizens who are hostile or at best on the fence.  Remember, too, that at least 50% of the population, 155 million, are members of the FSA (Free Sh*t Army)

Realistically - could 10,000 serious Patriots FUBAR our Masters and achieve our goals?

Could 10,000 serious Patriots change the mood of the republic sufficiently that real change may occur at the voting booth?  That is the bigger, more accurate question, I suspect.

My instincts say yes.

But someone has to be the idiot...at the right time, focused upon the right target.



  1. Indeed. Someone must be John Parker in our time. Will he die alone, failing to roust Patriots to the field? Or will the right person, at the right moment, attack the right target and begin a chain reaction that will bring Patriots to the field across the republic?

    No doubt, You cowering in a corner, absolving yourself of any culpability.

    We are outnumbered by LEO by 80:1.

    Reverse that and divide by half...........

    Consider the number of unique visitors that visit our community websites every day. The number is fewer than 10,000.

    So......... only those who are traceable are considered potentials, laughable.

    Realistically - could 10,000 serious Patriots FUBAR our Masters and achieve our goals?,

    You bet "Your Ass", be done with less...........

    No sacrifices required, but if so, you first, what say you................

  2. Freedom Yankee: It would be much easier to have a discussion with you if you would use complete sentences. I'm sure what you write makes sense in your head, but the shorthand doesn't translate.


  3. What part of your "Italics" statements and my " uninitialized" responses, didn't you understand ?

    Quite normal when addressing claims made, oh
    well, let the "Vox populi", Judge............ I always defer to them.

    Congrats on posting, I didn't think you had it in you........

  4. OK, you wrote: No doubt, You cowering in a corner, absolving yourself of any culpability.

    What do you mean?

    You wrote: Reverse that and divide by half...........

    I'm ok with arithmetic, are you claiming that patriotic minded folks outnumber Masters/LEO by 1/2:40?

    You wrote: So......... only those who are traceable are considered potentials, laughable.

    I think you mean there are patriotic folks who are not on the radar, do you think there are sufficient numbers to change my basic premise?

    You wrote: You bet "Your Ass", be done with less...........

    So you contend that it would not take a full 10,000 Patriots. What does "Your Ass" mean?

    As to posting: I have no problem posting anyone who submits, so long as they adhere to the rules, which are simple.


  5. I think he means "we" outnumber LEO 40:1.

    That's why we calmly accept the frequent murder of our countrymen, cuz "we" outnumber "them".




  6. 300,000,000/2 = 150000000/2= 75000000/3 percent = 2,250,000/800,000 = a 3:1 mechanical advantage, I was kind using your math, I will take those odds, any variable will be in my advantage.

    Never heard the term, "your ass", a colloquial, nice try though..........

  7. Freedom Yankee: See, here is where you lose me. Look to your very first post, you put in quotes "Your Ass".

    And what do you mean by "nice try, though".

    I am genuinely trying to understand your intent, but you are trying to speak in riddles.


  8. While the "You bet your ass" colloquialism was somewhat misapplied, by negating the first two words, the intent was double entendre, a learned fellow, such as yourself, should understand.

    Since a concurrent "theme" is "you" first, perhaps you and the dissolute Arctic Patriot, could, perhaps, lead the way..............

  9. Dissolute implies demogogic bunk, not deserving a reply.

    If AP or I were inclined to take point, advertising it on a public blog would be the height of folly.

    That you would suggest it provides considerable fuel for consideration...



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