Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Weiner to resign

I originally called that Weiner would not be forced to resign.  I was wrong.  We didn't know all of the details we do now, but even now, given what we know, I would bet against this guy from resigning.  The details we know + his arrogance and hardcore Liberal connections do not rise to resignation.

There are still details we do not know.

The fact that he hired an attorney is a big tell that there is more under the surface.

No matter, of course.  It's all a Sparklie and Weiner is a very dangerous Liberal who will operate effectively in the Private Sector.  He is not yet finished destroying Liberty.

But it is one fewer in the House, and for that I grin.


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