Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Friday, June 3, 2011

To the self-deluded Anon...

The comment: Anonymous said...

 When has he not been a 2A champ?

What faggotry is this?

His vision sounds a lot like a much more free country if you have read his books and checked his voting record.

No congress critter has as clear a voting record with regard to freedom as Dr No. Not even close.

Granted with a fed and a 1 party system such as we have, not much will change but if we had an exec, congress and judiciary that thought like this cat we would be doing other things and not be needing to blog about keeping the man out of our ass cracks.

What faggotry is this:


The link to the original document is in the original post.

I don't mind seeing the lesser of evils.  But let's not blind ourselves to reality. 

It wasn't a vote.  It was a position questionnaire submitted by an advocate.

Twice, when given the chance, Ron Paul chose ro restrict rather than repeal 2A.

Facts are facts.

Ron Paul or Barack: Ron Paul is the no-brainer.

It is what it is...



  1. Restricting 2A, in any way is pure faggotry.


  2. I read the link. The only thing he failed on was the law prohibiting torts against manufacturers. The rest was solid 2a support.

    I'll try to find out the reasoning.

    He even supported Constitutional Carry. Show me a prez candidate that supports that besides Paul and I'll admit to 2a faggotry on the part of Paul.

  3. Please read the words on the page:

    Question to Ron Paul: Indicate which principles you support concerning gun issues.
    Ease procedures on the purchase and registration of firearms.
    Repeal all bans and measures that restrict law-abiding citizens from owning legally-obtained firearms.

    Answer: Ease procedures on the purchase and registration of firearms

    Question to Ron Paul: Indicate which principles you support concerning gun issues.
    Allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms that are legally owned and registered.
    Repeal all bans and measures that restrict law-abiding citizens from owning legally-obtained firearms.

    Answer: Allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms

    So Ron Paul passes better than most, I have said that and I will always say that. I will also say that Ron Paul is in MASTER MODE: Given the chance to repeal, he chose NO - TWICE.

    End of discussion until.


  4. What about Paul's "Second Amendment Restoration Act - 2003" which repeals the Brady Act and the then in force so-called "Assault Weapons Ban" that he introduced?

    All things being equal, I don't necessarily agree that he's in the "Master" mode.

    I do agree, however, that some of the wording he supported and bills he did not support, have unconstitutional language in Second Amendment terms.

    I also hold that Paul is probably the best available III candidate having a shot to at least either nullify legislation that Congress refuses to repeal through pardons or veto unconstitutional Second Amendment legislation sent for enactment through executive affirmation.

    What say you on this information? http://www.lewrockwell.com/paul/paul91.html

  5. Trainer: My original post on the topic was to point out that everyone has warts.

    Some warts are more acceptable than are others. This is a 2A wart of which I am aware, nothing more.


  6. "Trainer: My original post on the topic was to point out that everyone has warts."

    Kerodin: To what end?

    I'm getting that you think that no solutions are to be found in the political realm but what else?

    If no political solutions are to be found does that mean that politics and the notion of government in it's present form is useless in so far as it can/could protect individual liberty?

    If not then what system would be better?

    If not and we think the current system is collapsing what should the back side look like?

  7. Anon, since I have explained my positions ad nauseum, let's turn the table and offer you the floor. Like TL, I grow weary of talking just to hear my voice, knowing the only person who cares a whit about me and my thoughts is in my mirror.

    Do you find a political solution in the 2012 election booths?

    If yes, please elaborate a strategy that I can devote energy to helping succeed, and if no, then tell me what you have next - though you'll be sharing with the many Feds who read here as well, so tread lightly.



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