Enemies of Liberty are ruthless. To own your Liberty, you'd better come harder than your enemies..

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kerodin.com: Necessary Warning

Column up at Kerodin.com.

Thank you all who contributed to the conversations about the book.  We'll have a few more before the final product, but for now we'll get back to our regular programming while I work on compiling the book behind the scenes. 

The book has taken shape in a non-traditional format.  Every page will be a bite-sized and single thought, easily consumed by our sound-bite Political Class and the few reachable folks in the population who may still have a chance to be awakened.

The longest pieces will be the those contributed by you, surrounding our Platform.  Thus far several of you have suggested that you'll be submitting work, but I've only rec'd one thus far.  I'll have to cut entries in the near future so layout can begin - so if you intend to submit, give me a heads-up.  It's cool if you've changed your mind - it is a big deal to put yourself front & center with our Masters.

I've enjoyed talking with all of you on the project, and the percentages submitted on our polls say that most of us are on the same page.  We're not there 100% on everything, but the 80% rule seems to be holding strong.

One thing is certain: Our Masters will know where we stand.


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